Anti-White Justice
This is state of “justice” in today’s, anti-White, #Woke America. Four worthless, misborn Black thugs beat a White teenager to death while shouting racial slurs, and a grand jury won’t even return an indictment on murder charges for it, despite the thugs being arrested for murder and felonious assault. Nor did either the state government of Ohio or the US federal government enter hate crime charges against them.
Hell! This brutal murder wasn’t even news and never made it to the national stage… because it doesn’t fit the #SocialJustice narrative. But, you can be damn sure that, if 4 White men beat a Black teen unconscious and then kicked him in the head till he died, it be the number one headline for weeks, this grand jury lesser indictment would spark riots across our nation, and there’d be both murder and hate crime charges flying.
Of course, insofar as federal hate crime charges are concerned, this is both expected and normal. The DoJ doesn’t even cite an attack by a non-White on a White in the rather extensive official list of Hate Crime examples. In sickening point of fact, I can’t find a single instance when the DoJ has filled a hate crime charge against a Black even on the rare occasions when state prosecutors have done so.
It’s pretty damn apparent that hate crimes legislation is just like civil rights legislation. They were never meant for the betterment or protection of Whites. So, since #Woke justice is anti-White justice, Whites need to protect themselves and each other. And let none among us gainsay how we each go about doing so.
Tags: #Woke | America | Democrats | Genocide | Liberals | Politics | Progressives | Race War | Racism | Social Justice | Society | War On Whites | Woke