About Pluto
Yeah, we don’t talk about Pluto being a planet or why it was “reclassified” as a Dwarf Planet. It’s highly frowned upon amongst the “intelligentsia” to do so and even more derided among the Liberals and Progressives, who will call one some variant of “knuckle-dragging science-denier.” Nobody is supposed to talk about how in August of 2006 a mostly European conclave of accepted masters of the astronomy, the International Astronomical Union (IAU), needed to make a new definition for planet so that an American wouldn’t be credited with discovering Planet X.
And, for the many of you that don’t know, Pluto was just collateral damage. The IAU’s exuberance of Humpty-Dumptyism was aimed at permanently refuting the discovery by and American of a planetary body past Pluto.
Accepted by so many, secular science and scientism aside, the effects of this choice and insult may just be more far-reaching than the vast majority of people want to understand and internalize. I mean really? You can’t look back and see what’s happened – and at what pace! – to the world since 2006 vs. what was happening before then? 😉
Tags: Astronomy | Clerisialism | Clerisy | Hades | Humor | IAU | Pluto | Religion | Science | Scientism | Society