Dems On McCain's Death

Dems On McCain's Death
Dems On McCain’s Death

Sen. John McCain died… as expected, given his medical condition.  And, almost equally expected, the Dems  and many of the Leftists who employ them came out to laud him in requiem.

At first this might seem odd. After all, they had consistently a viciously attacked him in 2008 and never really quit doing so since he was so obviously among the “rightfully hated,” i.e., an “Old White Man.” It is not, however, that odd. McCain redeemed himself in the eyes of the Dems and the Left with his open and shameless hatred of President Trump.

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Self-Inflicted Integricide

MSM Suicide - Self-Inflicted IntegricideWhat the MSM aka the Lamestream Media aka Fake News has done to their credibility with the American people can best and most aptly be called Self-Inflicted Integricide. The same Presstitutes who whored themselves out to the Obama Regime picked up their proverbial guns and shot themselves through their journalistic ethics in an attempt to keep their “johns,” the evermore-extreme, delusional Left.

Then, after of decade of being little to nothing more than whores for the Liberals, Progressives, any group of non-normative protected trait bearers, they’ve utterly alienated the American people who had for many decades respected them. By this point there’s really no realistic path back for them. The integricide was mortal and I doubt that even heroic measures can save them now.

I say that I see no realistic hope for cure for what’s left the “Free Press” because, both for them and for the People, it’s only going to get worse. The Left, these Liberals and Progressives as they call themselves, are utterly intolerant of heresy and are quick to rant and rave against the MSM whenever they have decided that their presstitutes have step out of the fold by not being hateful enough towards anyone and everyone who doesn’t sufficiently comport themselves to the Left’s ever-changing and ever-degenerating standards.

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What Is Fascism?

Roman Fasces - Type found on Lincoln MemorialSo what is Fascism? It’s sort of like pornography for the Leftists inside of America. They can’t really define it in empirical terms as a unique and quantifiable thing, but they sure as the Hells know it when they see it. But, while admittedly still failing to empirically define fascism as a unique socioeconomic philosophy, it’s actually fairly easy to define fascism in a real world, boots-on-the-ground context.

Fascism is Socialism enacted by main force.

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Free Birth Control

Free Birth ControlYou Want Free Birth Control?

The womyn of the current, toxic wave of Feminism along with many other subspecies of Liberals and Progressives are clamoring for free birth control. Well, above is an idea that should work them. 😉

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Crying At Starbucks

They're Crying At StarbucksYes, it’s true; Liberal Tears are quite common at Starbucks these days. Millennials especially are weeping into their overpriced and over-roasted coffee-esque beverages. The quiet sobbing and sniffling, punctuated by the occasional bouts of weeping, wailing, cursing, and the gnashing of teeth, has really changed the ambience of many Starbucks, most especially those in the Liberal and Progressive controlled coastal regions.

Not but what these people have great reasons to cry, twenty of the most common ones being listed below.

20 Reasons Millennials Are Crying At Starbucks

  1. There was a 10 minute wait for the Pumpkin Spice Latte
  2. The Barista didn’t use the proper gender pronoun
  3. Because President Trump is on the TV
  4. Because there are no safe spaces in the real world
  5. They took a Buzzfeed quiz that guessed their gender correctly
  6. They see someone wearing a #MAGA t-shirt
  7. Their parents called asking them to move out of the basement
  8. The guilt of supporting a free-market economy
  9. They accidentally swiped right on a Conservative’s profile
  10. Bernie still isn’t President
  11. Hillary still isn’t President
  12. Trump still is President
  13. They spilled coffee on their new “Che” t-shirt
  14. They saw an American flag and it wasn’t being stepped upon
  15. They found out what Socialism actually means
  16. They want to join ANTIFA but parents won’t let them
  17. They want to use violence to stop free-speech but can’t fight
  18. Couldn’t recall the difference between further and farther
  19. Whole Foods rejected employment application…yet again
  20. Wondering if that Liberal Art’s degree was actually worth it

Poor things – They were betrayed by reality which refused to abide by their wishes. Worse, they’ve spent their entire lives being taught that they were entitled to get whatever they want, whenever they want it. So now, they can’t cope with having lost everything.

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