What Americans Want

A Sing Of The Times - What Americans Wan
A Sing Of The Times – What Americans Want

Americans don’t want everything for free; we just want to be free – free from governmental tyranny, free from the oikophobic oppression of the #CancelCulture, and free from the real, existential threat posed by the violent rabble of #BlackLivesMatter and their enablers and fellow travelers, #Antifa. Democrats and other non-Americans seem to have opposing desires.

Yes, their sort seems to have diametrically opposed desires. They seem to want anything that they want to have to be free. This is a false belief. Democrats and other non-Americans existing within our nation’s borders won’t settle for getting whatever they want for free. Free isn’t good enough for them; they want Americans to pay for it all.

Always remember that nothing that that sort ever gets is enough unless they’re getting it harms and/or disadvantages Americans. It’s not about rising themselves up; it’s about tearing Americans down.

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The Social Justice Warrior

The Social Justice Warrior
The Social Justice Warrior

And therein is the rub. The whole of American society is fairly close to being in agreement as to what Social Justice Warriors (SJWs) do … except for the SJWs themselves, who seeming wallow in self-delusion with more gusto than swine do in mud.

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You’re Not Allies

You're Not Allies. You're A Subjugated People
You’re Not Allies

There’s a lot of talk among “White” Liberals and Progressives about being a good White ally to groups such as #BlackLivesMatter, and this is just about the stupidest thing I’ve heard of.

You can’t be their ally and they don’t want or see as an ally, and they likely never will do so.

  • If you’re told to be quiet and only speak in total, unquestioning support of their manifesto, you’re not an ally; you’re a subjugated people.
  • If you’re told that you don’t and can’t understand a group’s purpose, agenda, and/or raison d’etre and that it is not your place to have it explained to you, you’re not an ally; you’re a subjugated people.
  • If you’re told that you are inherently wrong and/or evil and that supporting the “allied” group is necessary, yet will not ever be something that will make you no longer inherently wrong and/or evil, you’re not an ally; you’re a subjugated people.
  • If you’re told that you actively attack and work against your own people in total support of the “allied” group, you’re not an ally; you’re a subjugated people.

So set those particular quisling dreams of allyhood aside. To #BlackLivesMatter, you’re just another evil, untrustworthy White who deserves to be and must be subjugated in order for the Blacks to get what they want.

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Stages Of A SJW Freakout

Stages Of A SJW Freakout
Stages Of A SJW Freakout

ROFLMAO Yep! That more than aptly sums up the stages of an SJW’s Freakout over anything and everything that offends their tender sensibilities. At the end, they blame President Trump.

It’s truly amazing and gratifying how much sheer terror President Trump engenders in our diseased and deranged domestic enemies. Without even really trying he became their bugbear, their bogeyman, their bugaboo.

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We Will Bitch About Anything

hibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything
Shibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything

I believe that, while fundamentally true, Descarte’s famous philosophical statement, “cogito, ergo sum” can be more practically, in today’s world, be expressed as, “I complain, bitch, whine, and get offended, therefore I am.” We will seemingly bitch about anything and everything, even when – or, possibly especially when – doing so detracts or distracts from what is enjoyable or beautiful.

A perfect example of this is Japanese Rope Bondage. Many call it Shibari, while many others call it Kinbaku. And both camps are quite quick and vicious in their attacks upon the other. Also, since this is a Western (gaijin) issue, there are also the normal pack of SJWs stridently denouncing both camps for Cultural Appropriation. 🙄

Yeah, we will bitch about anything.

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