They're Not Really Black

They're Not Really Black
They’re Not Really Black

It seems that The View’s Joy Behar isn’t shy about claiming that SCOTUS justice Clarence Thomas and Senator Tim Scott aren’t really Black because they aren’t avowed victims of “Systemic Racism” and constantly claiming that they are so.

“He’s one of these guys who, you know, he’s like Clarence Thomas,” Behar said. “Black Republican who believes in pulling yourself by your bootstraps, rather than, to me, understanding the systemic racism that African Americans face in this country, and other minorities. He doesn’t get it. Neither does Clarence. And that’s why they’re Republicans.”

— Joy Behar

In her opinion two Black Men, one born at the beginning of the the Civil Rights Movement and one born nearer it’s end and just a year after the Civil Right Act was created, don’t understand racism. Two Black men raised in broken homes and poverty in the South apparently can’t understand what Blacks go through because the real racism and disadvantaged upbringings these men faced didn’t hold them back.

Yes, I know. It’s not normally correct to respond to- or particularly care about what the bints on The View jabber, hoot, and/or holler. Their entire shtick is being ignorant, stupid, and grossly offensive to Americans in general. However, this is one of those times when one of them, Behar in this case, can be used as a bellweather for the core dogma of the Left and their minority tenants.

This is their identification of the Blacks. Irrespective of race or upbringing, they will not believe a Black is truly a Black unless they paint themselves as a victim deserving of reparations from America. Some can’t even recognize one, mistaking them for- and castigating them because they’re obviously White.

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Asking For Democrats

What's the carbon footprint of burning a city?

Asking for democrats
Asking For Democrats

While a perfectly valid question, given the Democrats’ stance on America’s impact upon the world’s climate, this is a question that must only be asked sarcastically. Nothing outweighs the Blacks’ “right” to wage a race war in the minds of the anti-American, anti-White Left.

Remember, they started pivoting Climate Change into a racial issue some time ago in an attempt to vilify White societies. Simply put, this is because Global Warming, like everything else in Creation, can only be seen through the lens of race by Democrats and likely Democrats.

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The AR-15 Argument

The AR-15 Argument Put To Rest

City after city across America is burning, ravaged by the savage race riots of #BlackLivesMatter and their “allies.” And this is only shocking by degree; the Blacks have been engaged in wholesale racial violence for years, e.g., “The Knockout Game” and violent “Flash Mobs” targeting Whites.

So yeah! I think we can put the AR-15 argument to rest. Every White needs an AR-15, a sufficiency of ammo, the skill and will to use, and the knowledge that American patriots will have his or her back and eliminate any White-Hating prosecutor who charges them for its use in defense of life, family, property, nation and/or race.

NOTE: The AR-15 is an easy to use, front-line weapon, and it is a specific bone of contention between Americans and Democrat gun-grabbers. That’s why I used it in this post. Weaponry, like any other tool, is more specialized than that. For each purpose there is a form with right function. It is always important to choose the right tool for the job at hand if you can.

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You’re Not Allies

You're Not Allies. You're A Subjugated People
You’re Not Allies

There’s a lot of talk among “White” Liberals and Progressives about being a good White ally to groups such as #BlackLivesMatter, and this is just about the stupidest thing I’ve heard of.

You can’t be their ally and they don’t want or see as an ally, and they likely never will do so.

  • If you’re told to be quiet and only speak in total, unquestioning support of their manifesto, you’re not an ally; you’re a subjugated people.
  • If you’re told that you don’t and can’t understand a group’s purpose, agenda, and/or raison d’etre and that it is not your place to have it explained to you, you’re not an ally; you’re a subjugated people.
  • If you’re told that you are inherently wrong and/or evil and that supporting the “allied” group is necessary, yet will not ever be something that will make you no longer inherently wrong and/or evil, you’re not an ally; you’re a subjugated people.
  • If you’re told that you actively attack and work against your own people in total support of the “allied” group, you’re not an ally; you’re a subjugated people.

So set those particular quisling dreams of allyhood aside. To #BlackLivesMatter, you’re just another evil, untrustworthy White who deserves to be and must be subjugated in order for the Blacks to get what they want.

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Supporting #BlackLivesMatter

Supporting #BlackLivesMatter
Supporting #BlackLivesMatter

Certain sorts within our nation’s borders do, will, and have gone to extreme lengths in supporting the ghetto thugs in #BlackLivesMatter. There is no act too low for them, nor is there anything that a Black can say or do, no matter how violent or how vile, that they won’t either endorse or excuse as “justified.”

No; the oikophobic Left is committed to “aiding and abetting” their Black allies before, during, and after the fact. Or, to use more appropriate terminology, they are committed to lending #BlackLivesMatters and similar insurrectionists with “material aid and comfort” in their war against America and the entirety of the White Race.

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