Occupy The Screenplay

It’s abundantly clear the slackers of the OWS rabble need to both rethink their methodology and actually come up with an agenda.

They’ll have to come up with their agenda on their own, but I’d suggest that they use the media instead of ranting about its portrayal of their ilk. Hollywood has, after all, always been the big ticket propaganda outlet and they love a timely idea.

Nosferatu - Occupy Movement - Eat The Rich
Proposed #OccupyWallSt Promo Poster

Perhaps they could get Michael Moore and M. Night Shyamalan to collaborate on the screenplay. Both have a long history of producing underwhelming dark, dystopian fantasy flicks.

Alternatively, they could try for a stage play and take advantage of the well-heeled, Liberal Off Broadway crowd. Perhaps they could even later approach the International Management Group (IMG) about a tour of Slackers On Ice. 😆

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Damn, Bloomberg!

Michael  BloombergNew York City’s Mayor, Michael Bloomberg is a particularly nasty piece of quasi-Leftist, Nanny State work and right-thinking Newyorkers will never forgive this worthless scum for coercing the City Council to overturn the will of the people in order to remove his term limit.

Still, even a broken clock is right twice a day and this is apparently one of those times.

Unlike the proverbial broken clock’s predictable transient accuracy Mayor Bloomberg’s correctness is a shock to the system. He actually finally had the scum squatting in Zuccotti Park kicked out and their tents and such dismantled and/or destroyed.

Better and more shocking yet, when the puling Leftist Judge, Lucy Billings J.S.C., issued an ill-thought restraining order violating basic property rights and human safety and allowing the rabble to resume squatting in Zuccotti Park, he rightfully defied it and had the Police continue to disallow the scum to bring their camping supplies into the park.

Judge Billings never should have been allowed to hear the motion in the first place due to her longstanding Leftwing bias in similar matters. Nothing that worked for 25 years in the ACLU’s National HQ as their Litigation Director in Legal Services, creating new ways for the institution to use “lawfare” and paper terrorism to achieve their anti-American aims, has the right to dictate anything to Americans.

I’m amazed that Mayor Bloomberg understood that creatures like Billings have no proper standing to render judgements in matters such as these and that their pro-rabble, anti-Americans bias is too strong for a civic body to lend credence to – but he apparently did.

I’m also wondering what sort of bribes and/or collusion went on to guarantee that the OWS rabble’s petition got on Billings docket.

Damn, Bloomberg got something right! Now we all get to see if he’s got the stones to hold the line when this gets uglier. He has, after all, violated a a technically legal restraining order…

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It does seem that the Occupy Wall St. “movement” is spreading after all.

99% Of The Dark Side Is Controlled By 1% of the Jedi
Occupy The Force

Yep, the OWS rabble may well end up being more famous for the parodies of their mantra than for anything else. 😉

With a grateful H/T to George Takei – yes, that George Takei – for sharing this hilarious lampoon.

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No! Arrest This Guy

Rick McKee’s cartoon aptly sums up the lamestream MSM’s bias on the matter of protesters and how they seek to further their agenda at the expense of the last fading shreds of journalistic ethics.

No! Arrest This Guy, the America
No! Arrest This Guy, Not The Wannabe Insurgent

It’s sadly quite classic. The MSM, long a fifth column within America, paints the Patriots of the TEA Parties as dangerous, violent thugs – and racists, of course – while portraying the slackers of the #Occupy [wherever] rabble as peaceful protesters representing Americans. And, of course, the truth of the respective matters is irrelevant to treasonous MSM.

If you tell a lie that’s big enough, and you tell it often enough, people will believe you are telling the truth, even when what you are saying is total crap.

— Richard Belzer
UFOs, JFK, and Elvis:
Conspiracies You Don’t Have to Be Crazy to Believe

The truth of the matter is that, over the course of several years and hundreds of TEA Party protests, that movement has been peaceful, law abiding, and non-disruptive to their communities. The only violence that has happened has been when union thugs attacked TEA Party members.

Contrariwise, in just a few weeks time, the “Occupiers” have repeatedly and consistently violated the law, disrupted the communities they’ve invaded, and resulted in violence.

That is the truth that the Liberals’ MSM won’t speak of because they fear the truth second of all things. The first being Americans who’ve grown fed up with their lies and who are finally ready to fully exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to exterminate these domestic enemies.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.

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The Less Than 1%

The slacker rabble of the Occupy Wall Street mobs want people to believe to believe that they represent the 99% against the 1% in a classic case of class warfare. – or, at least some of them do; many are just protesters venting their hatred for America.

This may or may not be a lie and is likely to be inaccurate in any case. That being said, they are representative of a large number of parasites or cancerous societal growths within the body of our nation.

In the lamestream media’s biased eyes these occupations are the masses vs. the financial elite. What about the truly rarefied ethical and patriot “elite” though? What about what seems to be the Less Than 1%?

The Less Than 1%
Sadly, A Member Of The Far Less Than 1%

If we had a lot more people like the young person in the image above, America wouldn’t have ever reached the economic nadir that it has.

America doesn’t seem to have a lot like this person. Personal responsibility and even the most basic work ethic has given way to the entitlement society, in which people think that everyone else owes them something irrespective of of any evidence of their being worth anything.


NOTE: This person described in this image would be a statistical anomaly for a variety of reasons beyond their anomalous levels of integrity and self-reliance. Certain sorts even claim – amid a great deal of generalized venting and lingering emotional issues – the described circumstances to be impossible.

Be that all as it may, it is not the specifics of this described student’s situation that is important. It is the attitude it portrays that matters.

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