No! Arrest This Guy

Rick McKee’s cartoon aptly sums up the lamestream MSM’s bias on the matter of protesters and how they seek to further their agenda at the expense of the last fading shreds of journalistic ethics.

No! Arrest This Guy, the America
No! Arrest This Guy, Not The Wannabe Insurgent

It’s sadly quite classic. The MSM, long a fifth column within America, paints the Patriots of the TEA Parties as dangerous, violent thugs – and racists, of course – while portraying the slackers of the #Occupy [wherever] rabble as peaceful protesters representing Americans. And, of course, the truth of the respective matters is irrelevant to treasonous MSM.

If you tell a lie that’s big enough, and you tell it often enough, people will believe you are telling the truth, even when what you are saying is total crap.

— Richard Belzer
UFOs, JFK, and Elvis:
Conspiracies You Don’t Have to Be Crazy to Believe

The truth of the matter is that, over the course of several years and hundreds of TEA Party protests, that movement has been peaceful, law abiding, and non-disruptive to their communities. The only violence that has happened has been when union thugs attacked TEA Party members.

Contrariwise, in just a few weeks time, the “Occupiers” have repeatedly and consistently violated the law, disrupted the communities they’ve invaded, and resulted in violence.

That is the truth that the Liberals’ MSM won’t speak of because they fear the truth second of all things. The first being Americans who’ve grown fed up with their lies and who are finally ready to fully exercise their 2nd Amendment rights to exterminate these domestic enemies.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down.

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