Just The Tip

Just The Tip
Just The Tip

Yeah, the government corruption we’ve seen is just the tip of the iceberg. The graft, corruption, and covered up rank criminality of many politicians and permanent members of the bureaucracy – i.e., the Deep State – at all levels of government runs far deeper than we’re aware of or allowed to be aware of. Insider trading, rampant tax fraud, and profiting off of awarded government contracts is just part of their endemic criminality, and we don’t and likely won’t hear about the rest of it.

And how could we see any of the rest of the government corruption afflicting our nation? The Lamestream Media – and the majority of major social media platforms – are effectively wholly owned by the Democrats, so they’re not going to put much, if any, effort into exposing that party’s malfeasance. And, either the Republicans are not nearly as corrupt or are far better at hiding their crimes. Hence, they’re not getting exposed even the “journalists” have been told by the Dems to do so.

But, to state what is worse and to partially excuse the Lamestream Media’s refusal to expose more of the graft and corruption of our politicians, there’d be little point in their doing so. Unless the politician or bureaucrat had went “Full Kwame,” they face little to no legal repercussions – a $200 fine, if it’s even levied, on millions of dollars of illegal investment 🙄 – and less electoral penalties since we as a People don’t seem to care. We reelect them if they, in general, purport to further our interests.

So, since outing these corrupt pols does nothing or next to nothing and doesn’t generate a significant news cycle and the resultant increased income for the media outlets, the isn’t really a point to their reporting to us about them.

So yeah, the government corruption we’ve seen is just the tip of the iceberg, and that’s likely all we’re going to see.

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Violently Racist Facts

Violently Racist Facts: Blacks are more prone to violence and, murder aside, are more likely to attack White People
If I’m Racist It’s Because The Facts Are Violently Racist

This particular post will be decried by the Blacks and their “white” Woke enablers as being racist and nothing but hate speech. Oh well; that’s nothing new. After all, “hate speech” is often nothing but stating facts that those sorts don’t want to be stated or known of.

Fact 1: Blacks Are Statistically Much More Violent

Blacks make up 55.9% of murderers inside America’s borders, while Whites (including “White Hispanics) make up 41.1% of them, based on 2019 figures. That sounds fairly or middling bad, with Blacks having committed 14.8% more of the homicides than Whites. But, these facts are misleading. It’s far worse than that in actual fact. What these figures say is that Blacks (14% of the US population) commit over 50% and almost 15% more murders than another 72% of the population!

Let’s finally reject the leftist, anti-White myth that Blacks don’t have a greater propensity for violent crime than any other race inside America’s borders. The facts speak for themselves and put the lie to that Dem shibboleth.

Fact 2: Blacks Are A Threat To Whites, Not Whites To Blacks

In regards to murder, the number of interracial homicides is not much better between Blacks and Whites. 16.1%% of the murders of white people were committed by Blacks and 8.9% of Black victims were killed by Whites. So, it’s almost twice as likely for a Black to murder a White than it is for a White to murder a Black.

If one looks at other violent crimes, the disparity of race-based threat is even more glaring. Blacks target Whites in 63.9% of their robberies, 51.8% of their assaults, and 58.6% of their rapes. In stark contrast, White criminals choose Black victims in 8.3% of their robberies, 2.7% of their assaults, and 5.5% of their rapes. Blacks prefer to attack Whites, while Whites rarely attack Blacks.

Understand, what threat that there is from races to each other is almost solely the threat Blacks pose to Whites since they prefer White victims for every except murder whereas White largely eschew Black victims.

Around Blacks Never Relax
Not Racist, Intelligent And Responsible

It’s a sad truth that you shouldn’t relax around Blacks, especially Blacks who are unknown to you. It’d be stupid and irresponsible to do so, especially in these times in which the Blacks have been steadily increasing their attacks upon whites. It’s another truth, one far less sad, that Blacks need to grow up and put their childish fantasies of White mobs attacking them behind them, as the statistics show that this just doesn’t happen.

All Things In Their Proper Measure

One thing – a caveat, if you will: While the numbers are bad, especially if you’re White, for any of us as individuals this is functionally a corollary of the Law of Small Numbers. Unless you live in NYC or similar hyper-urban environments, you are more likely during your life to be injured in a car accident than become the victim of any sort of violent crime, e.g., on average some 16000 are murdered every year in the US out of a population of 329,000,000 (0.48%). Honestly, violent crime is a lot like homelessness; it’s a “huge” problem… until you analyze the actual statistics.

So, be aware, don’t relax around Blacks. But don’t freak out, stress out overmuch over it, or act in such a way that you add to the statistics. Shunning and dissociation are quite enough in all but the rarest of situations. It’s basic self-defense training; don’t be where you’re more likely to be victimized or around the sorts who are more likely to do so.

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Meanwhile, In Chicago

Meanwhile, In Chicago
Meanwhile, In Chicago

Meanwhile, in fully and wholly Democrat-controlled Chicago, Shaka Zulu Lori Lightfoot is continuing to show concern over COVID-19. Presumably, she wants to make sure everyone wears their masks and maintains proper social distancing while murdering each other.

An interesting, if rather unsurprising, position for the mayor of a city where one of the most common causes of death, especially among her particular constituents, is a Black Male.

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The Dems And Biden

The Dems And Biden - A Summation
The Dems And Biden – A Summation

Yep. On Wednesday, January 20, 2021 – perhaps prophetically at High Noon, the Democrats are going to – barring “civic action” by patriots – swear in the man they’ve installed as President, Joe Biden. To sum that up: the Dems attacked President Trump for 4 years, using his investigation into the Biden family’s criminal and corrupt behavior, then use “alternative” voting methods to replace President Trump with the very criminal he was investigating.

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Wreckers Are Real

Wreckers Are Real
Wreckers Are Real

While Wreckers – people who lured ships unto maritime hazards in order to loot the resulting wrecks – seem to be simply a maritime myth, Wreckers do exist; they’re real; they go by the name of Democrats. And it’s the great ship, America that they seek to run aground and plunder.

This is what happens when one political party realizes that large swaths of their constituencies either are- or support and identify with criminals, and even more enable and/or pander to those sorts. It becomes a job necessity to destroy law and order and to resort to Vote By Riot political means.

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