The Other Side Of Christmas
So many people, especially those in America, totally forget the other side of Christmas. It’s all about Santa and getting stuff here and now. Krampus and the punishment of the wicked and/or slothful are utterly cast aside and forgotten.
‘Tis Krampus’ Night Too. Have You’ve Been Naughty?
🙄 Of course, we being the peoples that we are, it’s blatantly and admittedly beautifully apparent that Krampus isn’t a source of fear or useful in the moral lessons that were once inherent in Christmas traditions.

Well, we could borrow Iceland’s Jólakötturinn, a giant black cat who devours children on Christmas Eve who didn’t get new clothes for the holiday. And hey! Jólakötturinn is the housepet of the giantess Grýla, her latest husband, Leppalúði, and he bevy of sons – all by previous husbands – the Yule Lads, who all love eating unruly, disobedient, and/or unwanted children.
And no, insofar as I can find, there no sexy Jólakötturinn or Grýla cosplay going on… yet. 😉
Tags: America | Babes | Beauty | Christmas | Ethics & Morality | Folklore | Holidays | Humor | Krampus | Society