More Hate From The Enemy

More Hate From The Enemy

Nothing is safe from Left-wing enemies of America, the White Race, and Christendom, especially anything involving Christmas, something that they hate with a vitriolic passion. What the Hunts, a St. Anthony, Minnesota, couple, has been subjected to is proof of that sad fact.

An important thing for us all to remember is that, while some anonymous letter aimed at shaming the couple is only going to cause some emotional harm, it’s a proven fact that there’s a fine line between our domestic enemies shaming people and their use of violence against Americans and their property.

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Religious Issues

Religious Issues - They're A Real, Existential Problem
Religious Issues – They’re A Real, Existential Problem

Given what Justice Barrett had to go through and given how the Dems always side with Omar, this is a real, existential problem. Anytime some group side inside America’s borders against Christian for being Christians and side with Muslims for being Muslims, there’s a huge and dangerous question that the People need to find a final solution for.

And sorry, not sorry; the Dems can’t really reverse this. Christian values are compatible with America, whereas a vast amount of the Muslim values – of the modern era at least – are utterly incompatible. Nor could it be any other way, despite the Left’s war to change things – because America is a Judeo-Christian nation in practice if not by law.

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Easter Services

Trying To Get To Easter Services In A Blue Is Risky

I truly wish this was pure or close to pure sarcasm, but it isn’t. Christians in Democrat-controlled zones within our nation’s borders who try to attend Easter services – or even funerals some places – are at serious risk of being arrested by police enforcing various executive orders by those Democrat Governors. And, of course, if those police officers feel that those Christians resisted arrested, they can be killed by those same officers.

Yeah, tyranny and oppression is always only one exploitable crisis, manufactured or not, away. All it ever takes for would-be despots to violate our 1st Amendment rights is for them to stop fearing our use of our 2nd Amendment ones.

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Dreams Of Democrats

Dreams Of Democrats

Never be in doubt, especially with the Democrats currently stumping throughout America’s heartland, that the dreams of democrats are dreams of the desolation and ruination of that very heartland. Nothing would please them and their constituencies more than the utter destruction of rural America and the end of- or dispossession of its people.

Always remember and keep in the forefront of your minds that the over 60 million Americans spread out across the 90% of our nation which is rural are “disproportionately” White, Christian, and Heterosexual. In other words, you’re a disproportionately large percentage of those that Obama derided as being “Bitter Clingers” and who Hillary castigated as “Deplorables.” You’re the ones that they declaim as being Racist, Xenophobic, Homophobic, Transphobic, “Nationalist,” Fascists / Nazis.

Remember, those Democrats? Both the Politicians seeking power and money and the sorts that support them? Their dreams of your and your families’ deaths or subjugation and the annihilation of your communities, your culture, your faith, and the country that you are the heart and soul of.

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What Did We Fight For?

What Did We Fight For?
What Did We Fight For?

While anvilicious, crudely and needlessly offensively worded, and a wee bit hysterical in presentation, this has some real truth to it. It truly does seem as if generation after generation of American men have fought, bled, and died for our People only to be forced to watch them degenerate and for many of them to actively turn against every value and bit of culture that was and still is America.

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