Warm Flannel Shirt

Elhartista - Ginger Flannel
That’s A Warm Flannel Shirt

I don’t truly care what the calendar says, it’s Winter in all the ways that matter. Hence, it time to break out the winter wardrobe…and very few things will keep a man warmer in the cold than a delightful redhead almost in one our old, well-worn flannel shirts.

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The Birth Of Suburbia

Nothing says that we’ve turned shabby chic into the neo-neo-classical like redoing Sandro Botticelli’s Nascita di Venere as the The Birth Of Suburbia. 😛

The Birth Of Suburbia
The Birth Of Suburbia

Of course, this redux of The Birth of Venus would, without a doubt, incense the intelligentsia and academics to fits of derision and scorn. They barely tolerate the efforts of their students, much less those of the groundlings of suburbia. Also, such a composition as this would need to be heavily retouched so as not to rouse the ire of the multi-billion dollar fashion and weight-loss cartels, the politicians that profiteer off them, and the countless deluded slaves to their whims.

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Bikini Interlude 4

Unlike the three previous Bikini Interludes, this one has some bit of a purpose beyond merely bringing a little beauty to the internet. It’s Bikini Panic Season and all across the Civilized World women are fretting over not having the “perfect” bikini body in time for the summer season.

Bikini Interlude – Don’t Panic Edition

As far as I’m concerned, this is messed up in the extreme and, if this is what society is going to keep beating women with every Spring, fuck society. You see, I don’t bring my dogs to the beach.

Ladies, not a single one of the women depicted above has a “perfect” bikini body and, not but, every straight guy looking at this post is lusting after them. Don’t fret and don’t panic over bikini season. The fashion and weight-loss cartels are lying to you.

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Dangerous Curves

Curves are dangerous; at least the curves of women’s bodies seem to be considered so because so very many people, industries, and even political entities strive so hard to denigrate and deprecate them.

This is why the 12 curvy women depicted in the following gallery are all considered obese by those who continue to promulgate their idea of health and beauty.

Warning! Dangerous Curves

The truth is that these fine, phat, curvy women are very, very dangerous to both the fashion and weight-loss industries and to certain political elements that are vested in keeping up the myth of obesity. It’s not entirely hyperbolic to say that these babe’s fine and luscious curves present an existential threat to those parties.

The threat they pose is growing and growing nearer as more and more men are relearning that women, curves and all, are far more desirable physically, mentally, and emotionally than “cute boys with breast implants,” which has been the feminine beauty ideal set forth fashion and weight-loss industries and further exploited by Leftist politicians.

For myself, if women’s curves are dangerous, I choose without reservation to live and love dangerously.

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In A Better Age…

They say that the only constant is change and, in one sad respect, they’re largely right. Unless society remains ever vigilant, basic mores and attitudes will devolve into horrendous caricatures of past glories.

As the venal and ultimately meaningless are some of the best indicators of societal devolution, one need only look to fashion and beauty norms for examples of this.

Men Wouldn't Look At Me When I Was Skinny
In A Better Age These Ads Worked

From the 1930s through as late as the 1960s ads like one above were common and successful. This is because American society still believed that women should look women as opposed to stringy, prepubescent boys with grapefruit stitched to their chests.

Note, however, that I describe that time as a better age, not a perfect one. Society was still placing too much value on female beauty and still demanding that women’s bodies fit into a certain mold to be considered beautiful. It was just a far more realistic and healthy mold.

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