New York City’s Mayor, Michael Bloomberg is a particularly nasty piece of quasi-Leftist, Nanny State work and right-thinking Newyorkers will never forgive this worthless scum for coercing the City Council to overturn the will of the people in order to remove his term limit.
Still, even a broken clock is right twice a day and this is apparently one of those times.
Unlike the proverbial broken clock’s predictable transient accuracy Mayor Bloomberg’s correctness is a shock to the system. He actually finally had the scum squatting in Zuccotti Park kicked out and their tents and such dismantled and/or destroyed.
Better and more shocking yet, when the puling Leftist Judge, Lucy Billings J.S.C., issued an ill-thought restraining order violating basic property rights and human safety and allowing the rabble to resume squatting in Zuccotti Park, he rightfully defied it and had the Police continue to disallow the scum to bring their camping supplies into the park.
Judge Billings never should have been allowed to hear the motion in the first place due to her longstanding Leftwing bias in similar matters. Nothing that worked for 25 years in the ACLU’s National HQ as their Litigation Director in Legal Services, creating new ways for the institution to use “lawfare” and paper terrorism to achieve their anti-American aims, has the right to dictate anything to Americans.
I’m amazed that Mayor Bloomberg understood that creatures like Billings have no proper standing to render judgements in matters such as these and that their pro-rabble, anti-Americans bias is too strong for a civic body to lend credence to – but he apparently did.
I’m also wondering what sort of bribes and/or collusion went on to guarantee that the OWS rabble’s petition got on Billings docket.
Damn, Bloomberg got something right! Now we all get to see if he’s got the stones to hold the line when this gets uglier. He has, after all, violated a a technically legal restraining order…
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Tags: ACLU | America | Bloomberg | Courts | Crime | Law | Lawfare | Leftists | Lucy Billings | NYC | OWS | Paper Terrorism | Slackers | Wall Street
This entry was posted on Tuesday, November 15th, 2011 at 5:56 pm and is filed under Politics.
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