Ready To Ride?

Are You Ready To Ride Again?

Are you ready to ride again, without wearing a federally mandated face-mask (PPE)? A lot of us are, and some of our Senators recognized this, including 8 Senate Democrats know this. They, with no help from Romney, sided with Republican Senators to kill off Biden’s mask mandate for public transportation. The Senate passed the bill 57-40 on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.

More Than Ready To Return To Beautiful Normalcy

I, like most Americans, really want to end the various travel restrictions and move back towards normative, non-panicdemic behaviors. Sadly, even with those 8 Democrat Senators actually doing their jobs and representing the will of the Americans that they’re paid to represent, it’s not going to happen now. Firstly, the bill would need to be ratified by the House – highly unlikely but not impossible; and, secondly, Biden would have to not veto the bill when it reached his desk, something that the White House has already said that Biden’s handlers would have him do.

So, whether we’re ready to ride again or not, it’s not happening. The Legislature is not going to curtail the Executives’ overreach into matters of public transit across the states. And, even then, this bill would not in any way – nor should it – affect State and local restrictions upon mass transit.

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Subways Are Great!

Subways Are Great! Or, At Least, They Can Be

Honestly, subways – at least the ones in NYC, where they benefitted from being originally built by the private sector and with actual competition – are pretty great, though a bit “elitist” in that this sort of public transit only works in certain, heavily urbanized areas, with NYC also benefitting greatly from simple but rare geography.

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So, Citi Bike

I’ve always been against Citi Bike, at least in NYC. To me, it just seemed to be yet another part of Mayor Bloomberg’s hate for- and attack upon drivers. Yet, it wouldn’t have taken that much to change my opinion.

Citi Bike
So, Citi Bike

Truly! It wouldn’t have taken much thought on the part of some marketing firm to come up with ways to get me and a lot of others to have a more positive attitude towards Citi Bike’s bike rental program. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Riding The Subway

Subway Map Bodypainting
Never Get Lost On The Subway Again

New York City’s Metro Transit Authority (MTA) really needs to consider contracting Athena Zhe to provide subway maps such as this one for the city’s busier subway stations.

Every day we have thousands of tourists getting lost on the subways and “interactive” maps of this caliber would be a beautiful blessing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Travel In Groups

According to De Lijn, a public transportation firm in northern Belgium, it can be dangerous to travel alone.

It’s Smart To Travel In Groups

Truth be told, I’m not sure what a Flemish person travelling in Belgium would really have to fear beyond possibly being mobbed by annoying French speaking Belgians or, as they prefer to be called, Walloons.

On the other hand, traveling in groups seems like sound advice for any Americans who find it needful to travel within Chicago’s South Side, Detroit, or any other of the Third World, Post-Colonial, cities within our borders. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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