United Federation Of Horror

United Federation Of Horror
United Federation Of Horror

๐Ÿ˜† ROFLMAO ๐Ÿ˜† The United Federation Of Horror indeed! Of course, there’s an added level of horror for us grognard types: few younger than 50 years-old know that the character, Michael Myers in the venerable Halloween franchise wore a Captain Kirk mask.

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An Ark Through Time

An Ark Through Time
An Ark Through Time

Recognize this promo pic? I’d do. If you do as well, you’re probably an old grognard like me. Then, we had the best children’s TV, didn’t we? Yeah, Ark II was awesome. And, it was insofar as I know the progenitor of the entire Post Apocalypse genre of speculative fiction.

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A Hilarious Mashup

A Hilarious Mashup - The Rocky & Bullwinkle Horror Picture Show
A Hilarious Mashup
The Rocky & Bullwinkle Horror Picture Show

ROFLMAO Now that would be a hilarious mashup! The Rocky & Bullwinkle Horror Picture Show just sounds snarkily awesome. Or, it would if I wasn’t afraid that it’d be made as “Learning Television” for Democrat groomers to show in elementary schools.

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The Gribble Report

The Gribble Report
The Gribble Report

The character, Dale Gribble from King of the Hill was a staunch conspiracy theorist, especially when it came to government conspiracies. It was funny. But… the difference between 1997 and 2022 is that now he’s sounding more sane each week. ๐Ÿ™„

Over the last decade, so many things that have been derided by the Left and their media outlets as misinformation have been found to be true or largely and fundamentally so. And so many things the Left and their media outlets have touted as the unconditional truth have been found to be false or largely and fundamentally so. It’s truly to the point that Gribble sounds pretty damn sane.

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Them Old Time Cartoons

Them Old Time Cartoons

Ah, them old time cartoons and how many of us wax nostalgic over them. Speed Racer from the mid-to-1960s (though aired for years after in syndication, if I remember rightly), and Thundercats from the latter half of the 1980s. Good times, though hardly halcyon days, good memories, and fine viewing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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