A Dark, Hateful Truth

Liberals and Progressives, almost all of whom happen to be White, seem to hold a deep love for the Blacks that they enable and pander to. This is, however, an one-sided and utterly unrequited love. The dark and hateful truth is that the Blacks hate those White Liberals and Progressives nigh on as much as they hate the average White American.

No matter how much liberals try to remove themselves from the burden of racism, white supremacist ideology – which governs all systems in America – holds them just as guilty to its effects. Like Pilate, their hands are still full of so much blood; though they may not directly offer up communities of color and indigenous communities to be discriminated against and oppressed, colorblind policies do very little to stop the mass annihilation of a deeply marginalized people.

Appearances can be deceiving. Sure, liberals may be down for the cause, march in our marches, go through the anti-racism trainings, attend conferences on social justice and reconciliation, advocate for equal pay and living wages, press for an end to mass incarceration and police brutality, and even quote the thought leaders of our present day movements – so long as the freedoms of others do not threaten their own, they are there. But the moment, the moment, when the freedoms and power of people of color and indigenous folks appear to threaten their own sense of ownership, pride, and identity, they function just as criminal as the conservative other.

Ebony Johanna

The funny thing is that it’s doubtful that the Liberals and Progressives would be too offended to find out how the Blacks really think of them. Liberals’ and Progressives’ views of Blacks is odd and rather pernicious mix of paternalism ala “The White Man’s Burden” and ethno-guiltism. Hence, they both expect no better from the Blacks and derive some sort pleasure from the Blacks’ hatred, it feeding their pathological need for punishment.

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How Did Go So Far Wrong?

Schadenfreude is arguably petty but I’m honest enough with myself to know that I enjoy it. I especially enjoy it when the situation that engenders it is and was so easily predictable, such as the Black protests and proto-riots at the University of Missouri and other campuses where the Blacks have risen up and claimed oppression, victimhood, and a violation of the “Safe Spaces.”

How did this campus political correctness get so far out of hand
How Did This Campus Political Correctness Get So Far Out Of Hand?

After decades of the teachers and administrators of America’s colleges and universities feeding the monkeys on a steady diet of ethnoguiltism, victimology, and manufactured outrage and angst against Whites and especially “White Authority” they really shouldn’t be shocked that the Blacks and the Liberal and Progressive Millennials that have been pandering to- and enabling them turned around and bit those very same hands that fed them.

In a very real sense these schools are reaping exactly what they’ve sown. And, if they have created a climate which brought seeds up out of the ground with vegetation on the end of them looking like something they never dreamed of, that is wholly and solely their own fault.

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This Is How You Win

There always seems to be a plethora of questions about how one can win. Indeed, there are whole industries profiteering off of it. The answer is so simple though…

This Is How You Win

That’s the answer. Just as Heather Dorniden did, you get up after you’ve fallen – or have been tripped – and you run faster, try harder. This is how you win, whether it is in sports or life.

What you don’t do is: expect the race to halted and restarted; for any of your competitors to help you up; or to just lay there and blame various and sundry other people, groups, organizations, or whole cultures for your having fallen down in some fashion – even in those rare occurrences when they are to blame for it.

Sadly, this is lesson rarely taught anymore. Instead being a victim is what is taught along with blamecasting whenever one doesn’t achieve success quick enough or at all. Perhaps this is because “winning” requires there to also being losers and that’s “not fair.” Perhaps it’s simply that “validation” of one’s self-image has become more important than being of worth in the first place.

In any event, winning is quite simple. Yet, losing because you’re a victim is so much easier to both do and teach.

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Yes, The Blacks Steal

It’s politically incorrect to talk about Blacks and theft in the same sentence…unless one is talking about Whites having stole something from the Blacks. However, I’m White and therefor racist, so there’s nothing for me to lose by discussing the fact that the Blacks steal.

I’m not talking about mugging, burglary, armed robbery, or any other form of material-based larceny, though it’s true that the Blacks commit those crimes disproportionately often. No, I’m talking about the Blacks propensity for stealing victimhood and grievance.

Blacks Stealing Victimhood, Angst, and Anger

Sadly for all involved, this sort of appropriation of other people’s woes, is a core part of the pathology of the “Black Community’s” communal psychosis.

Blacks have a extremely hard time disassociating themselves from other Blacks that have had a bad experience. Most cannot do so if they feel that race played a part in that experience or its outcome. In all truth and despite repetitive claims that Blacks aren’t monolithic, the Blacks do not, when there’s any feeling of victimization, operate as individuals. Blacks will identify with other Blacks, seeing them as models or archetypes, not as individuals. Then they compulsively internalize that Black’s pain, angst, or outrage – valid or not – into their collective identity.

This is why whenever a Black is considered to have been wronged somewhere in America riots and protests break out in Black communities across the country. It’s an unfortunate result of the “Black Community’s” communal psychosis.

Nor is the Blacks’ pathology limited to the modern day; it encompasses and subsumes their history as well. Rare is the Black who can look in the mirror and not see an African, many whose ancestors were brought here against their will. Rare is Black who can move beyond the truth that they the descendants of slaves. No, that centuries-old pain – pain that was inflicted on others long, long, long in the grave – is the centerpiece of their collective identity and that pain and fear, stolen from history, percolates deep inside them and they are largely powerless to repress it.

So yes, the Blacks steal and it’s exactly this specific sort of theft that prevents them from success.

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The New Black

Just another screaming, angry buck niggerQueers, bisexuals, obese people, and some others have started describing themselves as the New Black due to their belief that their “civil rights” are being restricted.

Soon I imagine that the ephebophiles and polygamous people will join in calling themselves as the New Black while loudly bemoaning the supposed infringement upon their “civil rights.”

And oh how the Blacks hate it with a consuming and festering passion!

This, of course, makes perfect sense. It’s a direct attack upon Black identity. As Black Identity is based almost solely upon being the victims of oppression they’re loath to give up their unique victim status to any other group, none of which, in their minds, have or can ever experience the same perceived level of harm and oppression.

Essentially, the “Black Community” views any claims of “civil rights” violations by anyone other than a Black as an example of the most egregious form of cultural appropriation.

In some ways it’s ironic that the Blacks rant against others who they might be better served by joining with against the White, heterosexual American norm.  While ironic though, it’s to be expected since the “Black Community” is deliberately exilic in nature and rejects commonality with anyone else.

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