Meh, Palestinians

Meh, Palestinians
Meh, Palestinians

Meh, Palestinians are complaining about the deaths of their females and young, who they consistently use as shields just so that they can complain to the international anti-Semite community about the deaths.

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.

— Malachi 4:1 (KJV)

As far as I’m concerned, and I hope as far as anyone of good character is concerned, all this means to me is that the Israelis can save a bit of ordinance while protecting their children from the threat Palestinian young are and will be.

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Words vs. Meaning

Words vs. Meaning
Words vs. Meaning

Despite the Left’s and their minority sharecroppers’ belief that they can blithely Humpty Dumpty any all words and phrases, they are still bound by the objective meanings based upon context.

So, when they chant and rant about “justice,” in the context of police officers dealing with Black criminals, what the meaning is is that they want the police officers to be killed. They want the police to be eradicated. Some of them don’t even couch it in soft terms anymore.

#BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder
#BLM = Burn, Loot, Murder

Then, #BlackLivesMatter – now often TLA’d to #BLM has always been steeped in- and all about violence, specifically rioting, burning, looting, and murdering Whites in general and law enforcement officers in particular. They’ve always used a small number of peaceful protestors as shields, both physical and propaganda, for the feral violence that underscores their every action.

Democrats' Plan for 2020 & Beyond - #VoteByRiot
Democrats’ Plan for 2020 & Beyond – #VoteByRiot

This, of course, greatly pleases the Democrats. While it’s fallacious to claim that they engineered the rioting and insurrection of #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa cells, they’ve pandered to- and enabled its perpetrators and profiteered off of it at a chance they could get or manufacture.

What the Dems are doing is encouraging their constituencies to #VoteByRiot and/or the threat thereof. It’s an old-school, realpolitik technique for revolution and societal destruction called Propaganda of the Deed (Propagande par le Fait), though the Dems, by and large, are doing this by proxy instead of by direct example on their part.

James Hodgkinson’s 2017 attempted mass assassination of Congressional Republicans and the Dems’ response to it is a perfect example of this. The ongoing race riots are more of the same.

But I’m sure that the Dems would use different words to describe their actions. They can’t, however, change the meaning of what they’re doing no matter what words they misuse to do so.

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Elect Biden Or Else

Elect Biden Or Else Democrats Will Burn The Nation
Elect Biden Or Else

Elect Biden or else the country gets it!” This is, essentially the message that the Democrats are sending these days. In all things, bow down before their agenda or their mobs will loot and burn cities, along with assaulting and killing Whites when practicable. And these days they don’t even bother to couch their threats of violent rebellion and terrorism in vague wording.

On the bright side, while they do present a clear and present danger that absolutely must be mitigated, it’s of limited scope.

A Democrat Stormtrooper

It’s true; the Dems have their Blacks, who are experienced in violence, and they have #Antifa, who seem capable of random acts of low-level terrorism. But the bulk of their kind aren’t capable of defending themselves outside of the social media arena and certainly aren’t organized or skilled enough to last long against the American people.

The threats that the Democrats pose will evaporate almost as soon as the American people decide to put an end to them. And that will go a long, long way toward Making America Great Again.

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Things Have Changed

With President Trump Things Have Changed

Now, It's Not ISIS Yelling Death To America; It;s Liberals Doing So
With President Trump Things Have Changed

Things have certainly changed since we, the People elected Donald Trump as the President of our nation. ISIS is no longer yelling, “Death to America;” they’re barely even around anymore at all. And the same can be said for most iterations of Muslim Terrorism. Indeed, when it comes to foreign enemies and global terrorism, the world has become less violent since President Trump took up the reins of power.

Sadly, on the domestic front, the domestic enemies of the People and the Nation have risen up in violent insurrection, fully endorsed and supported by the Democrats that they elected. “Death to America,” is still be shouted in various forms. It’s just being shouted by Liberals, Progressives, and their Blacks. And, some predict that it will dramaticaly increase and escalate if the American people reelect President Trump.

So yes, things have certainly changed under the management of the Trump Administration. The question that change poses for the American people is what solution are we wlling to enact to the question posed to us by the sorts that support the Democrats.

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It’s Not Terrorism!

It’s Not Terrorism; It’s Democratic-Terrorism

… And peaceful protests don’t cause $1.5 billion USD so far in insured damages alone. Nor do they cause upwards of 20 deaths and hundreds of injuries.

And it’s all being done by Democrats and likely Democrats, not by Trump Supporters, not by Republicans, not by Americans.

To put a kind and merciful label to it, it is Democratic-Terrorism. To put an accurate name to it, it is Insurrection and Rebellion. Of course, these labels each call for a separate and different sort and level of response.

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