Anything Can Be Art

Anything Can Be Art... Except That!
Anything Can Be Art… Except That!

Lil Bobby found out the hard way that not everything is art in the eyes of modern art teachers. Lil Bobby also found out that the school had a zero tolerance policy and was almost brought up on Hate Crime charges. Fortunately, Lil Bobby chose at that moment to identify as a Black Lesbian Woman, resulting in charges immediately disappearing and “her’ being put in for an award. 😉

Currently, the Biden White House is considering adding Pankakke to the White House’s artworks as part of their push to include more BIPOC LGBTQ artworks.

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Presidential Products

Presidential Products
Presidential Products – ‘Riding with Biden’

Nothing really new about this, but it’s still funny. Or, it would be if it wasn’t to be expected that the sorts who we’ve allowed into our children’s schools would be passing these out to grade school kids.

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A Note To Muslims

A Note To Muslims
A Note To Muslims

A simple note to Muslims and their collaborators within America. 😉 You’re actions will have painful consequences for yourselves and your kin.

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Women’s Steroids Risks

Women's Steroids Risks
Women’s Steroids Risks

Women’s use of use anabolic-androgenic steroids carries lot of risks. Aside from some serious medical ones, misuse of these steroids can cause women to develop masculine traits. 😉

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Like all Americans, I suffer from PTSD – Pretty Tired of Stupid Democrats. Honestly, this particular expression of PTSD has become a hallmark of Americanism. The only ones within our borders not experiencing it to some extent are the ones who are only Americans in the context of legal status, i.e., Democrats and likely Democrats.

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