Roadside Chivalry In 2023

Roadside Chivalry In 2023
Roadside Chivalry In 2023 And Beyond

ROFLMAO That about sums up roadside chivalry in 2023 – and beyond if Americans don’t force a course correction. But, what’s truly sad is this is actually an improvement, because most of the Millennial and Gen Z bois can’t change a tire right now. So, genderfucked and tranny sorts being able and willing to do so is actually better. 🙄

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Buttigieg’s Qualified

Buttigieg's Qualified
Buttigieg’s Qualified

Despite his non-handling of the recent train derailments, which have poisoned American towns, Biden’s Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg is amply qualified for his job. He’s been rear-ended quite a few times and probably pulled a train or two in his day. 😉

And no; I don’t really care at all about Buttigieg’s sexual proclivities – beyond the inherent humor in the intersection of his sexual preferences and last name. The only reason I’ve decided to promulgate this bit of political humor is because Biden and Co. do care that he’s a queer. Indeed, it the odds on bet that Buttigieg’s being a queer is the primary, if not sole, reason that he was appointed as Transportation Secretary.

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I Support LGBT

I Support LGBT
I Support LGBT

At all times and in a places I support LGBT – Liquor, Guns, Bacon, and Tits. And, because I’m Inclusive, I mean all tits. Furthermore, as a proponent of Diversity, I also fully support Ass. 😆

As for those that fit the more common usage for this acronym? No. I don’t support them for the most part, not for just being lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, or Trannies. However, I don’t have anything against them just for being Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, or Trannies either.

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The Groomers’ Curriculum

The Groomers' Curriculum
The Groomers’ Curriculum

It was bad enough when the Liberal and Progressive sorts put Planned Parenthood in our schools, allowing for the issuing of both birth control and abortions to minors, often without parental notification or consent. Now, they’re indoctrinating children into the belief that they’re queer, trans, nonbinary without informing the parents of those children.

Sure sounds like a bunch of state-sponsored #groomers to me. First, they provide a means of covering up rapes and sexual abuse, then they separate the children from the parents, making the parents the adversary to be avoided, and continue grooming them into what they want the children to be.

This needs to be stopped. Some good measured have been done so far to correct for this violation, but we Americans have not risen up and done near enough nor the right things to put a permanent end to these practices and the #Groomers engaging in them or sitting by and allowing it to continue.

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A CA Teacher's Fridge

A CA Teacher's Fridge
A CA Teacher’s Fridge

Ah, a California elementary school teacher’s fridge and to-do list. In truth, while this is still funny, I’d find it a lot funnier if hadn’t in recent years become more and more plausible as fact rather than merely sarcasm.

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