Fighting Fascistbook

Fighting Fascistbook Is Very Possible

Most people believe that there is no real way to fight against Facebook’s fascistic censoring of speech and opinion in its platform because Facebook aka Fascistbook is a private, corporate entity. Fortunately and surprisingly, this is NOT legally true and there is case law to back that up.

The US Supreme Court’s ruling in Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946) that when a corporation is, in essence the public square and functions as such, it must abide by the same restrictions as the State insofar as Constitutional law is concerned. And that Facebook is, in fact, operating in that manner is the held opinion of the SCOTUS, as stated in Packingham v. North Carolina, 582 U.S. _ (2017).

Social media allows users to gain access to information and communicate with one another on any subject that might come to mind. With one broad stroke, North Carolina bars access to what for many are the principal sources for knowing current events, checking ads for employment, speaking and listening in the modern public square, and otherwise exploring the vast realms of human thought and knowledge. Foreclosing access to social media altogether thus prevents users from engaging in the legitimate exercise of First Amendment rights.

— Justice Anthony Kennedy

The Court’s ruling in Packingham v. North Carolina is of particular importance because it eliminates the potentially countering issues brought up in Cyber Promotions, Inc. v. American Online, Inc., 948 F. Supp. 436 (E.D. Pa. 1996), though Facebook’s de facto monopoly and ubiquitousness might well do that already.

So yes, I do believe that we, the People have to capacity to fight Fascistbook and the other dangerously biased and tyrannical social media corporations that have become entrenched in society to the point of it not being completely ridiculous to think of them as utilities.

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What Is Fascism?

Roman Fasces - Type found on Lincoln MemorialSo what is Fascism? It’s sort of like pornography for the Leftists inside of America. They can’t really define it in empirical terms as a unique and quantifiable thing, but they sure as the Hells know it when they see it. But, while admittedly still failing to empirically define fascism as a unique socioeconomic philosophy, it’s actually fairly easy to define fascism in a real world, boots-on-the-ground context.

Fascism is Socialism enacted by main force.

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Antifa Unmasked

How Antifa Bullies Act When Unmasked

The violent and thuggish bullies of Antifa are always so, so brave when they’re masked. Funny though, how they cry, mewl, and whine when they’re unmasked and forced to account for their actions against America and Americans. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Just look at this worthless, filthy bitch, Yesenia Mendez who was arrested and unmasked a bit ago in Berkeley, CA. She sure went from tough grrl to puling little bitch at the speed of light the moment her ugly mug was bared to the public.

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We’re Nazis Now


We’re Nazis Now
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, this is the view that Liberals, Progressives, and the minorities that they pander to- and enable think of the majority of us. In their minds we’re Nazis, fascists, bigots, and so many other pejoratives because we’re White, we either support President Trump or are “insufficiently against” him, his family, and his administration, and/or we fail to hold various “Alt-Right” groups to be the lone evils in these times.

That’s the thing with the modern Leftists and their ever-so-angry minority shills; if your a White and not totally committed to blaming everything upon and solely upon the White race, you’re a Nazi, a fascist, a White Supremacist, or whatever the “White Devil” term of the week is.

Of course, this is a lie that even those spewing and jabbering it don’t believe. Even Americans’ staunchest and most mindlessly reactionary and feral domestic enemies don’t really believe that we’re Nazis. They don’t even truly believe that the actual Neo-Nazi groups are actually Nazis. If they did actual believe this, they’d never protest or say a word out of fear of lethal reprisal.

No, our domestic enemies may stridently and shrilly claim that we’re Nazis now, but that’s only because “racist” is a passe pejorative, overworked, and misused to the point that it carries no weight of shame.

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When Fascism Comes

Periodically you here about how when fascism comes to America it will be based upon Christianity. Personally, I think other means for fascism coming to America are far more likely.
Roman Fasces - Type found on Lincoln MemorialWhen fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a fair-trade, natural fiber frock and carrying a Starbucks Frappuccino.
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a Che Guevara tee and carrying a PBR.
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a purple SEIU windbreaker and carrying a picket sign and a bullhorn.

In any event, Fascism’s coming to America will most likely be under the auspices of the Liberals and Progressive because fascism always get it’s foot in the door through the Left, not the Right.

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