When Fascism Comes

Periodically you here about how when fascism comes to America it will be based upon Christianity. Personally, I think other means for fascism coming to America are far more likely.
Roman Fasces - Type found on Lincoln MemorialWhen fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a fair-trade, natural fiber frock and carrying a Starbucks Frappuccino.
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a Che Guevara tee and carrying a PBR.
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a purple SEIU windbreaker and carrying a picket sign and a bullhorn.

In any event, Fascism’s coming to America will most likely be under the auspices of the Liberals and Progressive because fascism always get it’s foot in the door through the Left, not the Right.

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Sherman’s March 2.0

Sherman's March 2.0 - Big Labor Seek To Burn The South AgainAt the time of this article it’s been 148 years, 9 months, and 22 days since the Union General, William Tecumseh Sherman made his March To The Sea, burning the cities of the South and introducing the world to strategy of destroying enemy civilian targets in order to render them incapable of making war.

Since then the South has rebuilt and risen anew.

The South is now a growing economic and political powerhouse. Hence, the forces arrayed against it are once again planning on metaphorically marching to sea and burning the South to the ground. This time Sherman’s March 2.0 is to be carried out by the Big Labor syndicates of the unions.

The AFL-CIO recently unveiled their “Southern Strategy” to unionize the South and install pro-union politicians.

LOS ANGELES — Labor will embark on an expansive organizing campaign in America’s union-scarce South that, if successful, could bring about serious political upheaval.

The AFL-CIO, at its quadrennial convention this week, adopted a resolution to come up with a “Southern Strategy” that includes “a long-term commitment to organize the South.”

The labor unions are dying because wherever employees are given the freedom of choice they, by and large, choose not to join these syndicates and, wherever they are denied freedom of choice, they tend to flee those areas of the country…for places like the South. So, of course, the heads of these syndicates are vowing to assault the South, install their politicians, and burn the new South to ground like they have the everywhere else they’ve been allowed to flourish. They can’t abide workers’ choice because they can’t survive it.

So they’re coming for Southern businesses, political representation, and the jobs that feed Southern families and they’re bound and determined to turn: Atlanta, Savannah, Charlotte, and the other great cities of south into wasteland like Detroit.

Ladies and gentlemen of the South, you’re well-armed and now you’re forewarned. The question is whether or not you’ll realize that it doesn’t matter whether they’re Blue Bellies or Purple Jackets, they’re the enemy and they’re coming once again to destroy your way of life and all that you hold dear.

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Union Survival

Big LaborCurrently there’s a lot of speculation about Labor Union survival in modern age because of Michigan becoming on the 24th Right-To-Work state in the United States of America on December 11, 2012 by Gov. Snyder’s signing both House Bill 4003 and Senate Bill 116 into law, thereby prohibiting both private and public sector workers from being forced to join unions and pay dues to the same as a condition of their employment.

This is seen by both sides of this particular war as a serious blow to organized labor in Michigan and in America at large. One wonders, however, why they each feel this way.

  • Is union survival based upon force and coercion of workers to such an extent that the union will collapse if and when employees’ membership becomes voluntary?
  • Is the labor unions’ political power so focused on “purchasing” politicians that any drop in their dues will weaken them, possibly to the point of irrelevance and resultant failure and dissolution?

These are real questions of great and lasting importance that need to be answered by both sides of the Business v. Organized Labor conflict. Otherwise, there will be conflict for no sake or purpose other than the conflict itself…except to line politicians’ pockets and give the MSM something to sensationalize.

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Fascist Precursor?

Big LaborYou hear the word fascism shouted out by Liberals and Progressives – and the “lamestream” media. It’s mostly used as a tired and dog-eared pejorative against Americans, who stand firmly against the anti-American and often race-based, Leftist ideology promulgated by these sorts.

The ironic part of this is that the Left are the ones supporting a historic Fascist precursor.

What these Leftists either conveniently forget or willfully ignore is the very simple fact that Fascism as a socio-economic model is firmly rooted upon Syndicalism, something that they rampantly and stridently endorse.

While Syndicalism may have started as Anarcho-Syndicalism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and was a movement meant to destroy both the corporate structures and the State, this revolutionary movement was defeated and proven untenable. The State proved too necessary and too powerful to be supplanted in developed nations with strong interactions and agreements with other nations.

What rose up to replace Anarcho-Syndicalism was National Syndicalism, which sought to supplant or suborn the State actors while maintaining the original political framework of the nation.

This directly led to the rise of Labor Syndicates as power bases in European countries and the regimes of: Francisco Franco in Spain, Benito Mussolini in Italy, and finally Adolf Hitler in Germany.

Does this mean that the rise of labor unions and their entrenchment in the State always results in Fascism? No; of course not. It has, however, regularly, if not universally, done so in the past. Hence, the Liberals and Progressives are vociferously supporting the precursor behaviors of the very thing – Fascism – that they so often accuse Americans are supporting.

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