Obama’s Foreign Policy
So what exactly is the foundation of Obama’s foreign policy? What are Obama’s goals for America’s international relations? Nobody seems to know those answers, not our State Department, not Congress, not the People, not our Enemies, and certainly not our Allies.
With no apparent rhyme or reason to Obama’s statements, occasional half-measures, and string of inactions in response to any of the situations in the Mid-East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America people keep searching for some deeper game that he’s playing and ascribing various and sundry motivations to him.
There’s a far simpler and, I believe, much more likely rationale for Obama’s foreign policy inconsistencies:
Infographic: Obama’s Foreign Policy Goals
There are two rules one should always remember: “The simplest explanation is most likely the correct one” and “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
I firmly believe that Obama already displayed the extent of his foreign policy. He apologied to all and sundry for America’s status as a superpower, vilified the actions of his predecessors, and thought that our enemies would now begin to like, if not America, at least him.
Beyond that, I don’t think that Obama has any foreign policy goals.
As the international situation grows ever more fluid and we in America move towards the 2012 Elections this is something to keep firmly in one’s mind.
Tags: Afghanistan | Africa | Al-Qaeda | Al-Shabab | America | Asia | China | Egypt | Foreign Policy | Iran | Iraq | Israel | Latin America | Libya | Mexico | Mideast | Obama | Pakistan | Palestine | Politics | Taliban | Terrorism | War | War On Terror