Covered Beauty

Sometimes beauty is covered and thought to be hidden away from uncouth, unwanted, and strange eyes. This rarely works, for beauty will out and is much more often about how it is displayed rather than how much of it is so.

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Covered Beauty

On the downside, this tends to lead repressive cultures such as the Muslim World to enact even more stringent restrictions upon how women are allowed to dress. Saudi Arabia taking this to the logically correct – look at the images above! – but vile conclusion that even a woman’s eyes must be covered if they are deemed to be tempting.

On the upside, with war with various nations in the Mid-East – especially Iran – becoming more and more likely, there’s the benefit of Arab and Persian war brides. And yes, this is not only a benefit or upside, it’s the only truly good – evolutionarily speaking – reason for a foreign war.

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Kerry: Fuck The Jews!

John KerryObama’s Secretary of State John Kerry seems to have simple philosophy about the Middle-East. It can be summed up as, “Fuck the Jews!” The only question is whether this antisemitism is inherent to Kerry or is he just mouthing what his master, Obama tells him to. I believe it’s the former and that Obama just found himself a fellow traveler because Kerry certainly doesn’t have a track record for loyalty.

Kerry recently tried to get the Senate Banking Committee to lift the economic sanctions against Iran even though this enemy nation has made no strides towards terminating their nuclear weapons program. Sadly for Kerry and Obama, he had nothing but emotion to bring to the table. His responses to certain questions was, quite telling about the White House’s position:

Sen. Mark Kirk was even more forceful in criticizing the officials’ presentation, calling it “very unconvincing.”

“It was fairly anti-Israeli,” Kirk said to reporters after the briefing. “I was supposed to disbelieve everything the Israelis had just told me, and I think the Israelis probably have a pretty good intelligence service.” He said the Israelis had told him that the “total changes proposed set back the program by 24 days.”

A Senate aide familiar with the meeting said that “every time anybody would say anything about ‘what would the Israelis say,’ they’d get cut off and Kerry would say, ‘You have to ignore what they’re telling you, stop listening to the Israelis on this.’”

There are only two possible reasons why the White House, in the person of John Kerry, would hold and voice such opinions. Either they know that the Jews of Israel would be the first murdered by a nuclear Iran or they want to goad Israel into a preemptive nuclear strike of their own against Iran so that the Obama Regime can then destroy Israel themselves.

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Fann Al-Tarab

One has to always remember that Islam isn’t a religion; it’s a din, a way of life. It includes religious, political, economic, and cultural controls so as to totally bind and shape its adherents’ societies. This, as a matter of course, includes music.

Adab Music
Fann Al-Tarab (Arab Urban Music)

Hence all Muslim music must fit within the cultural component of Islam and adhere to the basic mores and manners (Adab) espoused therein. Above we can see a faithful Muslim street musician doing just that. 😆

And we Americans thought that Rap “music” was bad! 😆

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Obama’s Foreign Policy

So what exactly is the foundation of Obama’s foreign policy? What are Obama’s goals for America’s international relations? Nobody seems to know those answers, not our State Department, not Congress, not the People, not our Enemies, and certainly not our Allies.

With no apparent rhyme or reason to Obama’s statements, occasional half-measures, and string of inactions in response to any of the situations in the Mid-East, Africa, Asia, and Latin America people keep searching for some deeper game that he’s playing and ascribing various and sundry motivations to him.

There’s a far simpler and, I believe, much more likely rationale for Obama’s foreign policy inconsistencies:

Infographic: Obama's Foreign Policy Goals - This Space Intentionally Left Blank
Infographic: Obama’s Foreign Policy Goals

There are two rules one should always remember: “The simplest explanation is most likely the correct one” and “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

I firmly believe that Obama already displayed the extent of his foreign policy. He apologied to all and sundry for America’s status as a superpower, vilified the actions of his predecessors, and thought that our enemies would now begin to like, if not America, at least him.

Beyond that, I don’t think that Obama has any foreign policy goals.

As the international situation grows ever more fluid and we in America move towards the 2012 Elections this is something to keep firmly in one’s mind.

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