We’re Nazis Now


We’re Nazis Now
(Click to Enlarge)

Yes, this is the view that Liberals, Progressives, and the minorities that they pander to- and enable think of the majority of us. In their minds we’re Nazis, fascists, bigots, and so many other pejoratives because we’re White, we either support President Trump or are “insufficiently against” him, his family, and his administration, and/or we fail to hold various “Alt-Right” groups to be the lone evils in these times.

That’s the thing with the modern Leftists and their ever-so-angry minority shills; if your a White and not totally committed to blaming everything upon and solely upon the White race, you’re a Nazi, a fascist, a White Supremacist, or whatever the “White Devil” term of the week is.

Of course, this is a lie that even those spewing and jabbering it don’t believe. Even Americans’ staunchest and most mindlessly reactionary and feral domestic enemies don’t really believe that we’re Nazis. They don’t even truly believe that the actual Neo-Nazi groups are actually Nazis. If they did actual believe this, they’d never protest or say a word out of fear of lethal reprisal.

No, our domestic enemies may stridently and shrilly claim that we’re Nazis now, but that’s only because “racist” is a passe pejorative, overworked, and misused to the point that it carries no weight of shame.

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The Irony Of Antifa

Berkeley Antifa - Ironically Fascist
The Irony Of Antifa

Perhaps Antifa and Black Bloc – assuming that there’s enough difference in their respective members to make a distinction between the two terrorist organizations – are suffering from the mental disorder known as Hipsterism. Their whole existence, manifestos, and courses of actions are certainly steeped in a level of irony that is usually reserved only for hipsters.

The irony, of course, being that these supposed anti-fascists are the only fascistlike group(s) in evidence.

Antifa behaves almost exactly as the Post-World War I Freikorps behaved and, like them, Antifa has significant number of members who are students. Again, like the Freikorps that they mimic, Antifa is made up of the sorts who are violently angry at their sudden, apparently inexplicable defeat, a defeat that they blame on Dolchstoss – feeling that they didn’t lose the 2016 elections but were instead stabbed in the back by the American people, the #BernOuts, the electoral college, and “The System” in general.

Indeed, the resemblance between Antifa and the ruffians and bullies of the Freikorps is so uncanny that one has to entertain the concern that, if a strong leader arose to focus them, they could “mature” into a modern version of the Sturmabteilung, just being Schwarzekapuzen instead of Braunhemden. Certainly Antifa’s Hochschulcampus Putsch has been more lastingly effective than their predecessor’s Kapp Putsch.

Yes, the irony is that the supposed Anti-Fascists are the only Fascists in evidence within America’s borders today.

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Deport Them!

Deport Them! Deport Fashisom
Deport Them! Deport Fashisom!

Our domestic enemies, the Liberals, Progressives, and the various abnormal demographics the enable- and pander to, are ever and always so quick to insult, deride, and lampoon any American who protests their agenda while using improper spelling. To them, we, the People are always uneducated, anti-intellectual, knuckle-dragging, regressive primitives.

This is why it’s so funny when our domestic enemies – who are so hubristic over their over-vaunted educations – prove that they are no better than Americans when it comes to spelling simple words. Then again, anyone who’s #StillWithHer and believes that #SheWon is showing a distinct pathology of cognitive degeneration.

Then again, I could be completely misinterpreting this Millenial’s protest and who and what xe’s outraged over. Perhaps he’s angry at the fashion industry and just created something a neologism to denote his beliefs that the fashion industry is fascist in nature and agenda. If so, #ImWithHim 😆 since somebody needs to be the voice of the fashion nazis’ victims.

Of course, if the latter is the case, ze has an intersectional problem. Those same evil fashionistas are centered in New York City and Los Angeles, the two strongholds of modern liberalism and two of the very few localities in the US that are staunchly democrat. Hence, he’d be voting to deport some of the very sorts that supported Hillary.

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When Fascism Comes

Periodically you here about how when fascism comes to America it will be based upon Christianity. Personally, I think other means for fascism coming to America are far more likely.
Roman Fasces - Type found on Lincoln MemorialWhen fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a fair-trade, natural fiber frock and carrying a Starbucks Frappuccino.
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a Che Guevara tee and carrying a PBR.
When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a purple SEIU windbreaker and carrying a picket sign and a bullhorn.

In any event, Fascism’s coming to America will most likely be under the auspices of the Liberals and Progressive because fascism always get it’s foot in the door through the Left, not the Right.

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Reichsfluchtsteuer 2.0

US-Dem-Nazi-SwastikaSenators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Bob Casey (D-PA) don’t like when the wealthy flee the United States in order to shield their wealth from government confiscation. So they’re planning on introducing their “quaintly” named Ex-PATRIOT Act to ensure that such individuals must leave a large portion of their wealth behind when they flee.

I guess that, in the minds of the Democrats, the wealthy are the new Jews. They must be because Mankind has seen this before. It was the Reichsfluchtsteuer, the Reich flight tax, that the Nazis imposed on Jews trying to flee Germany in the 1930s. It was set at 25% of assets but, not to be outdone, Schumer and Casey set Reichsfluchtsteuer 2.0 at 30%.

Social Democrat, National Socialist, or Democratic Socialist, it’s all the same. All movements and parties of this sort need scapegoats and take the same actions against them.

Funny, I thought that when Fascism came to America it was supposed to do so wrapped in the American flag and carrying a Cross and/or, possibly whistling the “Star Spangled Banner.” I guess I, and a number of others, were wrong. Fascism is going to come to America exactly as it did to Weimar Germany in the 1930s.

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