Mandatory Kill Stickers

Onshore Wind Farms Should Have Mandatory Kill Stickers
Onshore Wind Farms Should Have Mandatory Kill Stickers

Onshore wind farms should be required to paint their turbines in something similar to this manner and place kill stickers on them so that people and Leftists know the true cost of ecologically friendly, sustainable power generation. 👿

But, it’s not like any of the Left will really care that much. After all, “Global Warming” has never really been about cooling the planet or being more “Green.” It’s always been just a front and con used in attempt to drag down the Civilized World so that there’d be more Equity.

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Lights Out!

Lights Out! With Biden's Energy Policies, This Will Be Every Night
With Biden’s Energy Policies, This Will Be Every Night

So, someone wants us all to believe that Morgan Freeman once stated the desire for us to have an annual holiday, Space Day, when all the word’s lights are turned off for a night so that we can better see the stars.

Sadly for every American trying to survive in these times, with Biden’s – or whatever Leftist cabal’s has their hands up in his colon – idiotic and destructive energy policies, it’s getting dangerously close to the point where “lights out” will be every night and possibly every day as well. And that, my fellow besieged Americans, is the dark side of Biden and Co.’s “Build Back Better.”

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Now That's Risky

Now That's Risky
Now That’s Risky

Forget smoking while pumping gas, think about trying to charge your electric car in the rain! Now that’s risky! 😆 Zzzzzaaaaaap!

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The Great Green Delusion

The Great Green Delusion – An Electric Fleet

It’s odd that both Elon Musk and Akio Toyoda have been the ones that spoke the truth about converting the world’s fleet of automobiles to Electric Vehicles (EVs). Yet, it’s unsurprising that, aside from a short “news” cycle of outrage and derision from the Green Left, what they said has been ignored by these same delusional climatards and their media outlets.

As there are none so blind as those who will not see, so too are there none so deaf as those who will not hear. And that sums up what passes for the mentality of these sorts. Their delusion is reinforced by the dogma and is not subject to interventions by facts that contradict their visions of the future they want to enact up the world.

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There! I Fixed It

There! I Fixed It. No more Global Warming
There! I Fixed It

Seems legit! C’mon, Folks! Those masks can save you from anything, including Global Warming. They’re magical, mystical, talismanic wonders, guaranteed to make the world a better place. 😛

That’s right! Those PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will lower PPM (Parts Per Million) of CO2, just ask any “Climatologist.” Of course, a bunch of those “Climatologists” will also tell you that Global Warming caused the Coronavirus outbreak, so …

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