Talk To The Hand

Talk To The Hand

“Talk to the hand!” is what just about any Democrat or likely Democrat voter gives as a response to any American patriot’s dissent from their No Borders policy dreams. They metaphorically hold up their bloodstained hands and cease to listen… because we, of course, are nationalist, racist, Nazis, and/or any other “bad thing” that they can think of.

And bloody-handed these anti-American sorts are. Illegal immigrants kill somewhere between 10 – 20 people within the US every week, injure more, and rape some unknown number. And those numbers pale compared to what they do amongst themselves in the course of illegally crossing the border.

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Dems’ House Of Straw Men

Dems' House Of Strawmen
Dems’ House Of Straw Men

That’s the horrific thing; there are certain elements that completely agree with the Dems’ various straw man arguments against building a border wall or any other form of border security.

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Dems’ Spending Priorities

Dem's Spending Priorities - Any amount for brown foreigners, not one cent to protect White Americans.
Dems’ Spending Priorities

This aptly sums up the Democrats’ spending priorities. They’re happy to send $10 billion in foreign aid to Central America but refuse to even consider half that amount for a wall at America’s southern border… Mostly because our President wants one and promised to build one.

Then, this is a large part of why the Democrats should be – forcibly, if needs be and it will be needed – removed from office. Their TURDS has reached a point where they are a clear and present danger to others, especially the American people.

I swear, they hate President Trump and the American people, who voted for him and support his efforts to make America great again, so much that they’ve become some twisted funhouse of mirror of Robert Goodloe Harper, essentially saying, “Billions in tribute, but not one cent for defense!” solely because the POTUS is Donald Trump.

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The Left On Tibbetts

The Left On Tibbetts
The Left On Tibbetts

With the senseless murder of Mollie Tibbetts, Americans reel and lament yet another beautiful, young, White woman with a good hope for a bright future being slaughtered by yet another murderous invader of our country, the Left and their Democrat politicians choose as always to side with the illegal immigrant and choose to continue their cries to further open our nation’s borders to more things like Cristhian Bahena Rivera.

But then, what can we expect other than this from our domestic enemies? The Left and their Democrat politicians have no respect or love for any law or any law enforcement agency that they cannot suborn, corrupt, and use to disadvantage Whites in America. That White women are being assaulted, raped, and/or brutally murdered by illegal immigrants – or any non-White -  is fine by them since Whites are not to be protected from non-Whites because doing so would be “racist.”

Oh, and before any White-hating Liberal, Progressive, or non-White drags up some “Fact Checker” site that “debunks” the meme that the Left is using GoFundMe to donate money to Rivera, I’m not saying that they are… yet. But somebody is paying for Rivera’s attorney, Allan Richards, since he’s in private practice and not a public defender.

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Walls Need Gates!

Remember That Walls Need Gates, Mr. President

I’m an American and I’m staunchly in favor of controlling immigration and greatly increased border security. I can also see where a wall along the US’ southern border will help with that. At 1,954 miles in length, much of it through remote and harsh terrain, it can’t be successfully guarded without something to channel invaders and provide choke points.

Face it head on with clear eyes and a resolute demeanor; something has to be done about the approximately 500,000 illegal borders crossings from Mexico to America per year.

That being said, to paraphrase or riff upon Pres. Ronald Reagan, “Mr. Trump, build those gates.” Not all of the immigrants, illegal or not, are either bad or problematical. A plethora of these immigrants would be of great benefit America and Americans in so many beautiful ways.

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