President Obama, seeing what American support there was for his health insurance “reform” plan crumbling, has decided to branch out from pure politics and utilize religion to cajole or coerce we, the People into supporting his – or is it now “His” – agenda. He has now attempted to enlist the aid of America’s clergy in spreading the “Holy Rede” of ObamaCare to the masses.
Details, such as are available, from FOXNews:
Obama spoke to about 140,000 people of faith in a conference call and webcast Wednesday evening. He and a White House official discussed the moral dimension of health care, telling the mostly Christian audience that “this debate over health care goes to the heart of who we are as a people.”
But earlier that day, Obama went much further, asking about 1,000 rabbis to preach his political agenda in their sermons on Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year — one of the holiest days of the year.
The conversation was supposed to be off the record but was captured on the Twitter feeds and blogs of some rabbis who took part in the call, which was organized by the Union of Reform Judaism and included rabbis from other denominations.
“I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform,” Obama said, according to Rabbi Jack Moline of Virginia, whose Twitter feed has since been scrubbed of the information.
Obama told the rabbis that “we are God’s partners in matters of life and death” and asked them to “tell the stories of health care dilemmas to illustrate what is a stake” in their sermons, Moline wrote.
This is of course a useful and utilitarian tactic by President Obama. Rebranding ObamaCare as a “moral imperative,” placing himself on par with Divine Will, and suborning the clergy to push his agenda to their congregations makes the utmost political sense if he can pull it off. It’s a tactic that has been used successfully by many politicians over the millennia. One cannot truly fault him for trying to use it.
One has to wonder though about the great lack of uproar from the Liberals over President Obama’s attempted use of the Church to spread his political agenda. Why are we not inundated by angry rhetoric about the Separation of Church and State. The Left was certainly never shy or retiring about waxing vehement over President Bush’s mere mention of religion.
During the past election I seem to remember a large number of Liberals ranting for various churches to lose their tax-exempt status for mixing with politics and endorsing a candidate’s agenda. But I guess it’s all relative, much like what passes for the Liberals’ morality…
It seems that, as long as it’s President Obama’s Holy Rede that is being spread as the new Gospel, the Liberals find no reason to complain about any possible infringement of the Constitution, the 1st Amendment, or the Separation of Church and State – because when Obama does something, it must be right, proper, and even “holy.”
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