Easter Services

Trying To Get To Easter Services In A Blue Is Risky

I truly wish this was pure or close to pure sarcasm, but it isn’t. Christians in Democrat-controlled zones within our nation’s borders who try to attend Easter services – or even funerals some places – are at serious risk of being arrested by police enforcing various executive orders by those Democrat Governors. And, of course, if those police officers feel that those Christians resisted arrested, they can be killed by those same officers.

Yeah, tyranny and oppression is always only one exploitable crisis, manufactured or not, away. All it ever takes for would-be despots to violate our 1st Amendment rights is for them to stop fearing our use of our 2nd Amendment ones.

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Facebook Bans Conspiracy

Facebook Bans Conspiracy
Facebook Bans Conspiracy

To most Americans it’s obvious that Facebook’s bans are the conspiracy. They’ve doubled-down on probably illegally silencing certain sorts of speech and certain sorts of speech only, while letting at least as “dangerous” things go by without censure or censorship. Indeed, they developed the habit of actively defending their preferred narrative by banning dissenting or complaining comments and those that made them.

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Ocasio-Cortez’s Threats

Ocasio-Cortez All Angry And Shit

Newbie Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is not a shy and retiring flower; nor is she prone to the basic humility expected of a freshman politician. No, she’s just another nasty Chola whose prone to threatening people.

First, it was Donald Trump Jr. being threatened by Ocasio-Cortez, and now it the CEO’s of Microsoft, Facebook, and Google receiving threats.

And, unlike the thoughtless threat against Donald Trump Jr., these threats are ideologically based and, hence, are more serious. Even more serious since they’re a direct attack on basic rights that are both constitutionally enumerated and set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Dear Mr. Nadella, Mr. Zuckerberg and Mr. Pichai,

We are writing to you today in light of the important role that your companies play as we prepare to take comprehensive action on climate Change. As Members of the House of Representatives, we have already begun our individual, committee, and caucus efforts to make this issue a top priority in the 116th Congress. That is why we were deeply disappointed to see that your companies were high-level sponsors of a conference this month in Washington D.C., known as LibertyCon, that included a session denying established science on climate change.

The past commitments of your companies to address climate change have been well documented. We are encouraged that each of you have pledged to reduce your carbon footprint and have committed other efforts like pursuing renewable energy. We need more of this commitment from corporate America. Disappointingly, though, the example you have set promoting sustainability and evidence-based science is compromised by your implicit support of the session organized at LibertyCon.

We understand that sponsorship of an event or conference is a common occurrence and that these sponsorships do not automatically indicate that the company endorses the variety of political viewpoints that may be presented at these events. However, given the magnitude and urgency of the climate crisis that we are now facing, we find it imperative to ensure that the Climate-related Views espoused at LibertyCon do not reflect the values of your companies going forward.

As you are well aware, the spreading of misinformation can be dangerous to our society. Today’s coordinated campaign to deny climate change, or to put a positive spin on its effects, is not unlike that of the tobacco companies which once sought to discredit their product’s link to cancer. Their propaganda kept the nation from addressing a public health crisis for years, leading to many preventable deaths. We cannot afford to make the same mistake again with Climate change. We must be resolute against granting this campaign any credibility, whether intentional or otherwise.

We look forward to hearing from you in the hope that we can continue to count on you as allies in the fight for a more sustainable future.

Now think about that. Ocasio-Cortez is “concerned ” that the three big tech firms were among the sponsors of an event that included among many other Libertarian and Libertarian-leaning sessions, one that spoke against the AGW position that she believes in. She concerned enough to write to the CEOs of those companies in order to make sure that they won’t do that again.

Essentially, the puta said to them, “Those are some nice stock prices you’ve got there. It’d be a shame if we subpoenaed you and something happened to it.” And she made sure to have Rep. Pingree involved to lend muscle to her implied threat of the loss of 10s of billions of dollars.

That, my fellow Americans, is the beginnings of tyranny. When a worthless politician is comfortable with threatening corporate leaders if they don’t make sure to never again lend support to any event or gathering that might include something that the politician doesn’t like, liberty and America are already moribund.

And, nor is this completely unfounded hyperbole or hysterics on my part. Ocasio-Cortez has already framed Global Warming as an existential threat that must be fought without limits.

Millennials and people, you know, Gen Z and all these folks that will come after us are looking up and we’re like: ‘The world is gonna end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?

This is our World War II.

Just pause a moment and think about her language and the belief structure it is evidence of. It’s the language of extremism and fanatical belief. And, it is the language that led to World War II; it was just couched in German instead of English. It’s the language used by those who have already accepted any moral cost for the sake of their cause.

Think about this carefully and act accordingly.

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Fighting Fascistbook

Fighting Fascistbook Is Very Possible

Most people believe that there is no real way to fight against Facebook’s fascistic censoring of speech and opinion in its platform because Facebook aka Fascistbook is a private, corporate entity. Fortunately and surprisingly, this is NOT legally true and there is case law to back that up.

The US Supreme Court’s ruling in Marsh v. Alabama, 326 U.S. 501 (1946) that when a corporation is, in essence the public square and functions as such, it must abide by the same restrictions as the State insofar as Constitutional law is concerned. And that Facebook is, in fact, operating in that manner is the held opinion of the SCOTUS, as stated in Packingham v. North Carolina, 582 U.S. _ (2017).

Social media allows users to gain access to information and communicate with one another on any subject that might come to mind. With one broad stroke, North Carolina bars access to what for many are the principal sources for knowing current events, checking ads for employment, speaking and listening in the modern public square, and otherwise exploring the vast realms of human thought and knowledge. Foreclosing access to social media altogether thus prevents users from engaging in the legitimate exercise of First Amendment rights.

— Justice Anthony Kennedy

The Court’s ruling in Packingham v. North Carolina is of particular importance because it eliminates the potentially countering issues brought up in Cyber Promotions, Inc. v. American Online, Inc., 948 F. Supp. 436 (E.D. Pa. 1996), though Facebook’s de facto monopoly and ubiquitousness might well do that already.

So yes, I do believe that we, the People have to capacity to fight Fascistbook and the other dangerously biased and tyrannical social media corporations that have become entrenched in society to the point of it not being completely ridiculous to think of them as utilities.

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Conflicting Smoke Signals

Recently, the US Attorney General, Jeff Session declared that he and his DoJ would reverse course on the doctrine set forth under Obama and Holder and restart enforcement of federal drug laws as they pertain to marijuana. This, frankly, leaves me feeling ambivalent since one could say that I’m getting conflicting smoke signals… and neither of them have anything directly to do with either medical or recreational use of cannabis.

To me this is an example of federal overreach resulting in the Constitution being in conflict with itself at this time. I find that the entirety of the federal drug laws, except those that cover importation, exportation, or interstate trafficking, to be violations of the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution. However, the Take Care Clause (Section 3, Clause 5) of Article II of the Constitution requires that the Executive shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. In other words, the Constitution requires the Executive branch to enforce the laws set forth by the Legislative branch unless and until the Judicial branch declares said laws to be null and void.

That conflict is what’s making me ambivalent about this whole thing, not my personal opinions of either medical or recreational use of marijuana.

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