Paint The Court!

Paint The Court!
Democrats Want To Paint It Blue By Stacking It. American Patriots Are Ready To Paint It Arterial Red
Paint The Court!

A cabal of Democrats in Congress want to expand the Supreme Court so that Biden can pack it full of liberal judges.

We’re here today because the United States Supreme Court is broken. It is out of balance. It needs to be fixed. It is out of balance. It needs to be fixed. Expanding the Supreme Court is equal justice and will ensure equal justice is dispensed to all Americans.

— Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA)

In other more truthful and succinct words, they want to expand the Court because President Trump appointed 3 moderate-to-conservative Supreme Court Judges, securing the SCOTUS once again as an actual bastion of law instead of emotions.

What these foolish creatures don’t understand – but oddly others, shockingly including Nancy Pelosi, do – is that it doesn’t matter how many candidates Biden appoints or how many of them the Senate Dems confirm. All that matters is how many, if any, American patriots allow to live long enough to sit the bench.

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COVID Zombies

The Persistence Of COVID Zombies

Even as the Lamestream Media finally tries to end the COVID-19 pandemic so as not to tarnish the Democrats’ regime, there are many on the left that are little more than zombies groaning for us to wear masks, wash our damn hands, and stay locked away in our homes. Insofar as they’re concerned, the coronavirus is forever and this is our new normal. Indeed, those sorts seem to like the pandemic and all the restrictions and resulting damages that have been wrought upon our nation and its economy.

Personally, I think that these Leftards’ attachment to COVID-19 and the various draconian measures taken in Democrat Controlled Zones is primarily based upon a synergy of four things: Martyr Complex, Virtue Signalling, Vilification, and, like so much else, TURDS.

Martyr Complex

The majority of the titularly White Leftists have serious martyr complexes, especially the overly-pampered-and-entitled-from-birth Millennials. Lacking any real threats and privation other than those they’ve brought upon themselves, they tend to actively seek out those things which are against their self-interest. Hence, their fondness for the destructive and draconian plague mitigation efforts fit right into this and feed their need to be harmed.

Virtue Signalling

As in most sociopolitical matters in 21st century America, the Liberal and Progressive sorts are very much into virtue signaling. Even the ones that don’t fully support and need to be martyred for The Cause – and that’s whatever the current cause of the moment is – are going to vocally, if not materially, support the anti-COVID measures and their perpetual or near-perpetual continuance. It’s just another way for them to Identify and Flag, both to signal their membership in- and allegiance to their in-group and to avoid persecution for heresy from the same.


And, of course, zombies need brains to eat, martyrs need oppressors, in-groups need out-groups, and the sorts who support the Dems in these times need people to hate, fear, revile, and castigate. They need “evil” to harm themselves fighting against. Hence, they attack any and all who won’t abide by their rulers’ mandates. Hence, they frame it as protecting others and as an act of caring and attack their opposition as callous monsters.


TURD (Trump Unacceptance & Resistance Disorder) – Trite in these times but true, the real pandemic afflicting the Liberal and Progressive camps is TURDS. Their response to the coronavirus and the destruction of the economy and basic liberty that Democrat politicians used the disease to enact can be traced, at least partially, to their pathological hatred and fear of President Trump and every single American who voted for him. Our President downplayed COVID-19’s severity, knowing that panic would cause more harm than the virus; therefore, in the disease-rotted minds of the COVID zombies, it’s apocalyptic and no countermeasures – especially ones that are harmful to the nation’s and people’s futures – are too extreme.


So, be ready for this to be a “long haul.” The COVID zombies aren’t going to easily and complacently allow the “pandemic” to end any time soon. At best, they’ll seek an accommodation – a “new normal” where “public safety” wins out over liberty.

Hellfire, the only bright side is that these zombies absolutely won’t be shuffling down the street looking for a snack. πŸ˜†

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The End Of The Prologue

Election Day - The End Of The Prologue
Election Day – The End Of The Prologue

Today is election day! It’s the actual day when, under normal circumstances and without interference from Democrats, the vast majority of votes would normally be cast. It is also in the 2020 elections the end of the prologue. The actual meat of the historic chaos is about to ensue.

Then, why should the 2020 elections be any better than the rest of 2020?

As bad, worrisome, and chaotic as the 2000 presidential elections were, expect the 2020 elections to be an order of magnitude worse. No matter which way the initially reported – or misreported – results go, be fully prepared to deal with legal challenges and “civil unrest.”

The stage has been set by both sides and now the lead up will be concluded today/ tonight. Now the actual story of this maintenance or transference of power will be written. Do not – I certainly don’t and have prepared as the military trained me to do – expect it to be peaceful.

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What’s Actually Wrong

What's Actually Wrong In America
What’s Actually Wrong In America

The above cartoon is a nigh-on perfect, and perfectly sarcastic, example of what is actually wrong in America today. In the minds of far too many nothing is exempt from political meaning and allegiance. Nothing.

True, it is far more prevalent among Democrats and their sort with their hate-filled #CancelCulture and TURDS, but Americans these days are prone to the problem as well, just not as much or to the extent that the Left is.

It’s all a sure sign that the government is too big, too invasive, and far too pervasive. It’s also a sign that the 24/7 fake news cycle is pernicious and a clear and present danger to the health of the People and the Nation.

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While it seems unlikely that the House Democrats will drag out their over-used and worthless impeachment proceedings against President Trump for doing his duty and nominating a replacement for the late and unlamentedby Americans at least – the damage has already been done. Pelosi and her ilk have, with their hate– and madness-fueled obsession with impeaching our President, have already done incalculable harm to our democracy.

But, rather than waxing vitriolic, I’ll just quote from The Portly Politico, who stated the problem as well or better than I would have.

The Democrats already cheapened impeachment with their bogusUkraine collusion story. Technically, yes, the House can impeach a president at any time if they have the votes to do so. The prudence and dispassion of a prior age would normally have prevented such a drastic measure except in the most dire of constitutional circumstances – ”in other words, if the president actually abused his authority and the constitutional limits placed upon it.

Now, however, the Democrats have cheapened the impeachment process to such an extent that it’s nearly the equivalent of voting to name a federal post office after some uncontroversial small town hero or legendary civil rights figure: its just another day at the office.

If Speaker Pelosi and her ilk push through an impeachment against President Trump for fulfilling his constitutional duty and power to appoint a justice to the Supreme Court, the very act of impeachment will have lost all meaning. If President Trump were wantonly selling the Supreme Court seat to the highest bidder, then, by all means – impeach away! But he clearly isn’t.

— The Portly Politico

Truly though, go to the Portly Politico and read his whole article. It’s more than worth what time and effort doing so will cost.

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