Outrageous Bias

The manufactured outrage over some members of Governor Christie’s staff closing some of the approach lanes to the George Washington Bridge is mostly over, largely because the Liberals and their Lamestream Media realized that their actions were actually benefiting the Republican politician and probable 2016 Presidential candidate.

But, like most such things, this tempest in a teapot can be used as a “teachable moment.”

Outrageous Bias - Or Biased Outrage
Such Outrageous Bias

In this case the education it provides is a case study in remedial reality and realpolitik. Once again the Left and the media has shown their outrageous bias by attacking a Republican for possibly using his power to punish an enemy politician while sheltering and protecting their boy, Obama even though that misborn, worthless piece of filth has done the same thing but to a far greater degree.

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Why So Serious?

Why So Curious, George?
When Two Selves Come Into Conflict

Could it simply be that Obama is decompensating and his inner self is finally being seen? That would explain the bitterness inherent in the boy’s immediate dive into negative politics and attack in the 2012 elections.

It could instead be a well-though-out out and quasi-Machiavellian example of realpolitik instead though. Obama won in 2008 due to a shift in the demographics of the American electorate. He won on the strength of the turnout of young people and Blacks – and multiple polls suggest that those two demographics are not enthusiastic this time around.

Frankly, once installed in office, Obama utterly failed to continue to be inspirational to those groups who put him in office in the first place. As he can’t run on the strength of his record, trying to inspire key demographics to vote against Romney instead of for himself might be his best strategy to keep his job.

It’s not likely to be a winning strategy though, if that’s Obama’s, his handlers’, and proxies’ actual thought. It didn’t work for Kerry and it likely won’t work this time either.

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Zimmerman Arrested

George ZimmermanGeorge Zimmerman has been arrested on Second Degree Murder charges for the February 26, 2012 shooting death of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, FL.

This story should really be filed under Non-News Of The Day.

The government of Florida, likely under the “instruction” of Obama and Eric Holder, “hired” Angela Corey to do exactly that – arrest, try, convict, and incarcerate George Zimmerman.

It ridiculous to believe otherwise since Corey is Florida’s top dog when it comes to convicting people on homicide charges. She’s currently also overseeing prosecution of 12-year-old Cristian Fernandez as an adult on charges of homicide and aggravated child abuse.

What happens now is just the steady, slow beat of the drum that ends up with Mr. Zimmerman behind bars where the Black inmate population can do the government’s “work” for them. It will start with the travesty of the Grand Jury indictment – which Corey is not allowing to set the charges – and proceed to a lengthy case that will exhaust Zimmerman’s finances and force him into a plea bargain.

Then sometime shortly after it is proven that Zimmerman has no funds left for his defense Holder’s federal hate crime investigation will “find” that they have enough evidence to charge Zimmerman under federal hate crime statutes and have his sentence expanded.

From this point on in the Zimmerman case the only news will be what special instructions the judge overseeing the case is told to give the jury in order to reach the “right” verdict.

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Obama’s Otherness

One thing for all to remember about Obama is that judging by his words, deeds, and choice of those he surrounds himself with, is that he’s not American, not in his heart and soul. Or, at the very least, that is how he and his coterie have crafted his public image.

It may seem to be an odd course of action for someone who previously claimed to not accept partisan divisions and to hope for a unified America, but only if one was foolish and naive enough to believe anything that Obama says about his beliefs and goals.

One would also have to set aside the basic rules of realpolitik to find Obama’s “otherness,” real or portrayed with great skill, to be surprising. Divisiveness is far more effective as a political tactic than is “unifying” and Obama has always diligently and dutifully followed the rules of realpolitik.

One has to remember that this “otherness” of Obama is exactly what America’s domestic enemies, the oikophobic Liberals, love about him. It also lets them paint the American people as racist and xenophobic, which feeds their own preconceptions of America as a place of evil that must be brought low.

It’s fairly obvious that the upcoming 2012 elections are going to be a base vs. base war with, as happened in 2008, the “moderates” and “independents” split roughly down the middle. This means that Obama’s “otherness” is a useful political coin, but one that works to galvanize friend and enemy alike.

The question remains though of how long with the house that Obama’s Otherness divided continue to stand…

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Deathly Double Standards

Jeff Goldstein of protein wisdom has this to say about the Obama Regime’s refusal to disseminate photos of Osama bin Laden’s post-extermination remains:

Evidently, the SEAL team “assaulters” didn’t have the good sense to attach fake electrodes to dead Osama’s genitals, or put a dog collar around his putrid neck. Because were that the case, no force on earth could keep the photos from being splashed all over the internet.

“We don’t trot out this stuff as trophies,” Obama told CBS’s Steve Croft.

Coffin-draped caskets of American soldiers, on the other hand? Why, INFORMATION MUST BE FREE!*

H/T to Steve B over at Tattered Bits of Brain for the link to Protein Wisdom, which I shamelessly repurposed.

Mr. Goldstein, with ample sarcasm, sums up what passes for modern society and the underlying double standard of Obama and his Liberals when it comes to depictions of the dead.

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