Why So Serious?

Why So Serious?

Sometimes I look at- or hear about the Dems’ token, Kamala Harris, and see the Joker. Specifically, I see Harris as Heath Ledger’s more street thuggish Joker in Jack Nicholson “Whiteface.”

Now, normally I wouldn’t really care that much because the office of Vice President serves little function and presents an equally little risk in the vast majority of cases. Hence, I wouldn’t be so serious. But Creepy Uncle Joe’s dementia-ridden mind is already softening and it’s likely to go full-on spongiform mush before too long and those running the Democrats know that and have probably planned this so that Harris can take over as POTUS without actually have been elected to the office.

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Why So Serious?

Why So Curious, George?
When Two Selves Come Into Conflict

Could it simply be that Obama is decompensating and his inner self is finally being seen? That would explain the bitterness inherent in the boy’s immediate dive into negative politics and attack in the 2012 elections.

It could instead be a well-though-out out and quasi-Machiavellian example of realpolitik instead though. Obama won in 2008 due to a shift in the demographics of the American electorate. He won on the strength of the turnout of young people and Blacks – and multiple polls suggest that those two demographics are not enthusiastic this time around.

Frankly, once installed in office, Obama utterly failed to continue to be inspirational to those groups who put him in office in the first place. As he can’t run on the strength of his record, trying to inspire key demographics to vote against Romney instead of for himself might be his best strategy to keep his job.

It’s not likely to be a winning strategy though, if that’s Obama’s, his handlers’, and proxies’ actual thought. It didn’t work for Kerry and it likely won’t work this time either.

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