April Snow Showers?

I get the idea of April showers…but snow showers? Really, Mother Nature? I thought you were supposed be having hot flashes from Global Warming.

Lucy Purr
It’s Fucking Cold & Windy But Not Unbearable 😉

That’s right! It’s the middle of April but last night the Sping weather made an exit in the Tristate region. Snow moved back in late last night. Heavy, wet snow was reported from the Hudson Valley, northern New Jersey and New York City and temperatures are expected to remain unseasonable cold through the week.

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Outrageous Bias

The manufactured outrage over some members of Governor Christie’s staff closing some of the approach lanes to the George Washington Bridge is mostly over, largely because the Liberals and their Lamestream Media realized that their actions were actually benefiting the Republican politician and probable 2016 Presidential candidate.

But, like most such things, this tempest in a teapot can be used as a “teachable moment.”

Outrageous Bias - Or Biased Outrage
Such Outrageous Bias

In this case the education it provides is a case study in remedial reality and realpolitik. Once again the Left and the media has shown their outrageous bias by attacking a Republican for possibly using his power to punish an enemy politician while sheltering and protecting their boy, Obama even though that misborn, worthless piece of filth has done the same thing but to a far greater degree.

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Christie and Obama

It’s bound to happen that some people will draw comparisons and, in the case of Liberals, Progressives, and the minority sharecroppers beholden to them for hand-outs, false equivalencies. It should, however, be noted that Governor Cristie’s claims of ignorance over his singular “Bridgegate” scandal pales in comparison to Obama’s laundry list of scandals and should-be scandals.

Cristie and Obama
Christie and Obama Sitting In A Tree…

Of course, my snarky reference to an old schoolyard chant is pretty inaccurate as well. Christie’s not built for really tree climbing and Obama has a natural fear of tree limbs since he’s rightfully afraid that he’ll end up hanging from one. 😉

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And Liberals Are Shocked

American Patriot with MusketA recent poll indicated that 29% of the American population think that an armed revolution in order to protect liberties might be necessary in the next few years, with another 5% unsure of whether or not it will be so. And Liberals are shocked, scared, and appalled by this.

Thoughts that Americans might retake our country by and and all means, including armed revolution, really bothers them…and it should.

Conversely, Americans should not be in the least bit shocked that almost a third of their fellows think that civil war we are engaged in will “heat up” and that blood, fire, and steel will decide the future, if there is to be, of America. All we all have to do is listen to the Liberals’ politicians to see that tyranny is fast approaching.

Confiscation! NJ Senators caught Mocking Gun Owners

When you catch New Jersey State Senators Loretta Weinberg (D-37), Sandra Cunningham (D-31), Linda Greenstein (D-14) calling for outright confiscation and disarmament of the People, it becomes obvious that the the thoughts of defending our Liberties through force must be considered. This is especially true when the worthless filth in question are the NJ Senate Majority leader, the Senate Majority Whip, and the Assistant Senate Majority leader respectively.

We needed a bill that was going to confiscate, confiscate, confiscate.

They don’t care about the bad guys. All they want to do is have their little guns and do whatever they want with them.

As all know, our domestic enemies are not stupid enough to believe that what they claim are reasonable restrictions would achieve their stated goals of reducing firearm-based violence. Of course, their stated goals and their real ones are two wildly disparate things.

NJ Gun Grabbers – Weinberg, Cunningham, and Greenstein

Creatures like Weinberg, Cunningham, and Greenstein know that Americans do in fact care about the “bad guys” and that these three in the current forefront of those “bad guys.” This, more than anything else is both why they want Americans disarmed and why their ilk is so horrified by the rising call of revolution. They know that they and their families will be exterminated in the course of America’s rebirth.


Keep your eyes open. Travel light but load heavy, and always put another round in the enemy after they’re down. 😉

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Lamestream Priorities

One must always remember that lamestream priorities are quite different than American priorities. America’s domestic enemies and their media pundits have far different priorities than Americans do and apply vastly different standards to their own vs. Americans.

Rubio v. Menendez - Water v. Pedophilia
Lamestream Priorities – Water! Pedophilia & Prostitution, Not So Much

Yes, the Left and their media are far, far, far more concerned about Senator Marc Rubio’s (R-FL) pausing to drink a glass of water during a speech than with Senator Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ) repeated venting his pedophiliac lusts into child prostitutes in the Dominican Republic.

Odd; looking at Menendez, I’d have thought that he was White enough to be a “White Hispanic” and held to White standards by the Liberals. I guess I was wrong.

But hey! What a little, or far more than a little, fornication with- and sodomization of Dominican girls in the grand scheme of the Left – as long as Menendez votes for higher punitive taxes, gun confiscation, Obamacare, and other Liberals and Progressive causes? Senator Rubio’s thirst is much more important.

It’s all a matter of understanding Lamestream priorities. 😉

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