Unity Vs. Division

Unity Vs. Division
Unity Vs. Division

It’s extremely ironic – sad, often insane, and a clear a present danger to its adherents and those around them, but still ironic – that the LGBTQIA+ rainbow flag is inherently a symbol of division and segregation. After all, White is color of light that is of all parts of the spectrum in unity and harmony and the rainbow is that light broken apart and kept separate. 😉

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Explaining To Leftists

Explaining To Leftists

Honestly, not much needs to be added to this image beyond the sad fact that I’m just posting it for normal, true-born and rightly-raised Americans since the Leftists – the ones who need it – would never countenance even the thought of internalizing facts such as these, especially when presented to them by a normal, straight, White man.

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What Did We Fight For?

What Did We Fight For?
What Did We Fight For?

While anvilicious, crudely and needlessly offensively worded, and a wee bit hysterical in presentation, this has some real truth to it. It truly does seem as if generation after generation of American men have fought, bled, and died for our People only to be forced to watch them degenerate and for many of them to actively turn against every value and bit of culture that was and still is America.

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The Times We Live In

The Times We Live In When Normal Is Wrong
The Times We Live In, When Normal Is Wrong

We, most assuredly sadly, live in an age where all that is not male, not White, and/or not heterosexual is held up as greatness and in which anything male, White, and/or heterosexual is decried as abhorrent or, at the very least, utterly unworthy of praise or recognition due to that very maleness, Whiteness, and/or heterosexuality.

And do be aware and assured that our domestic enemies whole issue with normal people is that they are still the majority and still exemplars of- and adherents to the long-standing, dominant culture in and of America.

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ACLU’s Queer Behavior

Recently, Bangor Area High School held a week-long Gay-Straight Alliance event in which the school’s Gay-Straight Alliance encouraged students to wear different colored shirts each day to raise awareness of queer issues such as bullying and suicide. During the high school’s televised announcements on the last morning of the event, two students on the broadcast wore Chick-fil-A T-shirts. This resulted in a shit of social media attacks against the two students and eventually led to about 15 students who engaged in the cyberbullying to being suspended the following week.

Anti-Christian Litigation Union (ACLU)Anti-Christian Litigation Union (ACLU) Is On The Scene

The result of that is that the ACLU of Pennsylvania is investigating the matter in order to determine if the school can charged with civil rights violations for suspending the students who attacked the two students who dissented against the LGBT event. Mary Catherine Roper, deputy legal director of the organization, described the suspensions as, “pretty harsh punishment.”

Somehow I just don’t think that any sane American could bring themselves to believe that, if the situation were reversed and it was two students wearing rainbow t-shirts who were attacked and bullied, the ACLU would investigate the school for suspending the perpetrators. No, the Anti-Christian Litigation Union (ACLU) doesn’t roll that away…ever.

Of course, the only reason the ACLU isn’t formally described as a hate group is that organization that makes its money by denoting organizations as such, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), is itself a hate group.

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