White Enough To Die

Ashli Babbitt – White Enough To Die Without Outrage

On January 6, 2021, 25-year-old Air Force veteran, Ashli Babbitt was fatally shot in the neck by a plain-clothed Capital Police officer while storming the Capitol in protest over the Democrats’ election “shenanigans.” She was unarmed at the time of her being shot.

NOTE: I’m actually natively hosting this evidentiary video. I certainly don’t trust Twitter or YouTube to keep it up and available. Frankly, to do so would be foolish.

Now, I’m not going to second guess the officer who shot her. I wasn’t there and do not have a 360° panoramic view of the area of operations. Nor do I have audio for the preceding time in the engagement. Hence, it is both not a place and irresponsible to make a determination upon how “righteous” his killing of Mrs. Babbitt was.

I do, however, have a lot of information on the Democrats’ and their sorts’ historical responses to “peaceful protests” and “police-involved shootings.”

The nature of the Lamestream Media’s coverage of her shooting and resultant death and that of the Left on various social media platforms make it’s more than abundantly clear that Ashli Babbitt’s was White enough to die by police action without be mourned or being the cause of outrage among the Left and their minority sharecroppers.

Face it; the savages of #BlackLivesMatter and their self-hating enablers, #Antifa, have been rioting, looting, burning, murdering, raping, and assaulting random, innocent White people across America for most of the last year, always with the excuse of their feral behavior being caused by the police killing a Black. And, of course, anyone and everyone with allegiance to the Democrats has condoned this and appropriate the same outrage as their own.

And yet, since Mrs. Babbitt was a White woman, they think she got what she deserved for taking her own sincerely held patriotic outrage – wrongly based and foolish or not – directly to the current seat of power of the actual party of people who are to blame.

Yeah, a large swath of the sorts living within our nation’s borders are at the point where they sincerely believe that Ashli Babbitt was White enough to die without outrage.

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Loot Drops

Loot Drops - If you have an organ donor card, you will drop loot when you die :D
Loot Drops

ROFLMAO! Yep, as any gamer will tell you, if you’ve got an organ donor card, you drop loot when you die. The real trick, however, is living your life in such a way as to make sure they’re trash tier. 😛

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Ginsburg: Unlamented
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Unlamented

I’m not going to sugarcoat anything. I’m glad Justice Ginsburg is gone. While I don’t rejoice in her death – She was never that bad of a person – I’m very glad she’s no longer poisoning the SCOTUS with her well-written but piss-poor, agenda-driven opinions.

Frankly, Justice Ginsburg was, proper jurisprudence-wise, the worst judge in the current SCOTUS. Only her counterpart, the late Justice Scalia came close to matching her failings to place the law above personal opinion. Hence, her passing is a boon to America in my opinion.

And no, none of this detracts from Ginsburg’s historical significance. She was the 2nd woman appointed to the Court and the first Jewish woman – and only the 2nd Jew – to be so appointed. Yet, that significance is solely identity-based and, thus suspect.

So no; I don’t in any way lament Ginsburg passing since it was the only way she’d leave the Court.

NOTE: To those sorts who would attack me over this post: I have a solid background the law, some of which was in a professional capacity, and actually regularly read SCOTUS and Appellate Court opinions. If you can’t argue in that arena, best you just shut up and move along.

If you can do so, however, bring it on! A robust, even vitriolic, debate upon the specifics, nature, purpose, and fundamental basis of law in America is part and parcel to this “Grand Experiment” which is our nation.

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Coronavirus In Context

Coronavirus In Context
Coronavirus In Context

Yes! Let’s put COVID-19 and the Coronavirus in a purely objective context, paired against our more normal and largely here in the West ignored lethal diseases. COVID-19 daily kills 1.85% of what tuberculosis kills and, more significantly here in the West, COVID-19 kills only 5.45% of the seasonal flu kills each and every day during flu season.

Now, I’m not saying to take no precautions whatsoever, I wasn’t even against a short-term lock-down in heavily infected areas, e.g., my own New York City. The lasting panic and resultant “protective measures” enacted by some in government seem ridiculous though – worse than ridiculous, dangerous.

Think of the precedent that’s we’ve allowed being set in that same purely objective context. Does anyone really believe that these same government bodies won’t expand their actions to “combating” the ever-so more lethal seasonal flu, especially if a coronavirus vaccine isn’t in widespread use before flu season starts in approx. 4 months?

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Set An Extra Place

Set an extra place at the table this memorial day

Well, it’s Memorial Day once, though most people seem to confuse it with Veterans Day these days.

So please, do enjoy your BBQ – I will – because it’s the right thing to do. It’s good to celebrate the life, freedom, and prosperity that those rough men and women died to protect.

But maybe, just maybe, you might want to set an extra place at the table for their shades. They did, after all, pay for that fine meal.

That’s all. Just a thought that maybe you might want to spare a thought and a little table space for our fallen soldiers and the ones they left behind.

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