Trumps vs. Bidens

Trumps vs. Bidens
Trumps vs. Bidens – Blood Will Tell

It’s an old, largely deprecated due to Leftist emotion, axiom that blood will tell and that the apple rarely falls far from the tree. The Trumps and Biden are strong evidence of the truth of this though. To a large extent the Trump family halted their international business endeavors when President Trump took office, but the Biden family started engaging in them when Creepy Uncle Joe became geopolitically useful.

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Christmas Is For Family

Christmas Is For Family

Just a hopefully helpful reminder that Christmas is for family. And no, I don’t mean just gathering together with your existential family, be they blood kin or heart’s kin. I mean starting or expanding your family, if you get my meaning. 😉

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Thanksgiving In 2022

Thanksgiving – America’s Best Holiday

It’s about Thanksgiving, America’s best – in my opinion – and in some, though not all or fundamentally, ways most unique holiday. At least it is unique in its specific combination of national celebration, gathering of, oft-times now scattered, family, and feasting – all purported centered upon giving thanks for what one has or has avoided.

And, as you can see, there’s a lot to be thankful for. 😉

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Thanksgiving 2020

Thanksgiving 2020 - It's Not All Turkey And Fellowship
Thanksgiving 2020 – It’s Not All Turkey And Fellowship

Like every Thanksgiving – really, every single day – we Americans – and the Democrats and Likely Democrat demographics living within our nation’s borders – have a great deal to be thankful for. This is 2020 however, and that means that it’s a far cry from perfect or lacking in reasons for rancor.

One has to wonder just how many families in Democrat-controlled regions will have to police called on them and face criminal charges for having an extended family dinner this Holiday. One also has to at the same time wonder how many innocents will be put at risk or actually harmed through Democrat-sponsored actions to #DefundThePolice.

So, be thankful for what you have; enjoy the feast and fellowship; but be aware and be safe.

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Beer, Wine, And Blood

Beer, Wine, And Blood

In Vino Veritas.
In Cervisiam Robur
In Sanguis Fidem.

Three fluids and three separate traits that they bear and provide. In wine there is truth; in beer there is strength; and in blood there is fidelity.

For myself, I say that the third, blood, and the fidelity it brings is the most important of the three. Any truth can be silenced and any strength overcome by treachery. Hence, the fidelity of blood, either that shared or that shed together is greatest.

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