Yes, I know that to many I come across as a staunch anti-Feminist. I assume that among the few of the Feminist females that I’ve interacted with I am labeled by them as grossly and horribly atavistic and misogynous. That, however, says far more about the mindsets and worth of my detractors than it does about me. I am, in point of fact, a true feminist with a great and abiding love for women. It can hardly be claimed to be my fault that the Feminist movement, almost always plagued by deranged and bitter radicals, devolved into something toxic after it succeeded in its aims.
For no great reason other than something on internet offended me – what more reason could I need? – and got me thinking actively about something that’s been niggling my brain – is niggling racist? -Â for some time I’ve decided that showing my feminist side is appropriate at this time. So…
Sexploited(?) Olympians
Please don’t get me wrong; I think there’s a benefit to guys lusting after women with bodies which are honed by their particular athletic endeavors. It certainly beats the skeletons dipped in wax that fashion and weight-loss industries keep telling us are desirable. My issue, such as it is, is with the fact that female athletes posing for “glamor” shots, i.e., the sexier the better, has become de rigueur across all arenas of female sport.
Face it, when a Google search for “Sexy Olympians” returns approximately 8,460,000 results, society has an issue involving these athletes. Rather than glorifying their abilities, we revel solely or mostly in their figures.
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Tags: 2014 Olympics | Athletes | Feminism | Sex Symbols | Sexy | Society | Strong Women | Women
This entry was posted on Saturday, March 1st, 2014 at 11:04 am and is filed under 2014 Olympics, Society.
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