DEI Hard

DEI Hard - Proving Truth Is Worse Than Fiction
DEI Hard – Proving Truth Is Worse Than Fiction

OK, to start with, I’m not going to derogatorily comment on the female’s apparent weight. One – with Type IIIA anti-ballistic armor at a minimum, her actual body build is quite in question. And two – a person’s shape, within reason, is not a good indicator of their physical performance and capabilities in non-endurance settings. And three and finally – she wasn’t part of President Trump’s immediate physical protection detail; hence, her lack of size and physical ability to be an ablative meatshield for him is largely irrelevant.

But, her displayed lack of competency, especially with her weapon and under stress, is a huge problem, and is strong evidence of her being a DEI hire and, like so many DEI hires, not being qualified for the job. Even more damning is the fact the the ex-Director of the Secret Service, Kimberly Cheatle – herself one of Biden’s many DEI hires – made increasing DEI in the Secret Service her priority, something that had already caused insane problems before the attempted assassination of President Trump.

And therein lies the problem, both with DEI itself and with the sorts who endorse it. It is the placing of certain governmentally protected, immutable, largely irrelevant physical, mental, or behavioral traits above being able to properly perform the duties of the position, much less being the best available one to do so. And this is true even when the job and its duties are important, up to and including saving lives.

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Air Snort One

Air Snort One
Air Snort One

Air Snort One, it flies higher than any other jet in existence… and everyone is wide awake for the trip. 😆

But really, all snarkiness aside, the fact that they found a bag of cocaine in a cubby near the White House’s West Executive entrance but claim to have no way of determining who left it there means of two things: they’re lying because of whose cocaine it is, or; there’s a lot less functional security in place at critical ingress points of the White House than most of us believe.

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No Executive Amnesty

So the Scofflaw-in-Chief is going to commandeer the American airwaves tonight and jabber about how, through executive overreach, he’s going to countermand and overthrow the laws duly enacted by Congress by granting amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

NOTE: Obama’s handlers and overseers, along with many of his remaining followers, object to the word “Amnesty” but not to the meaning of his acts in this matter.

What Obama’s executive amnesty really means is:

  • The boy will once again prove himself a liar by not drawing a distinction between conscious and inadvertent violators of America’s immigration laws as he repeatedly claimed we must do.
  • He’ll  cause yet another surge of illegals from Central and South American countries, just as his previous suspension of enforcement action against the so-called Dreamers in June of 2012 did.
  • The boy’s reported plan would legalize as permanent U.S. residents many tens of thousands of illegal alien criminals – ones that are criminal far beyond merely being violators of immigration law. Like his previous actions, Obama’s amnesty would include: murderers, rapists, kidnappers, and a host of other criminals whose offenses the Obama Regime doesn’t consider “serious.”
  • His actions, if allowed to stand, will cost the American taxpayers tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars a year since most the recipients of the boy’s amnesty will be uneducated, unskilled, poverty-stricken individuals who will instantly qualify for any and all means-tested social programs on the books.

Thankfully but not unexpectedly, Congress – with the stereotypical exception of the lame-duck democrats in the Senate – are not taking Obama’s attempt at gross executive overreach and infringement of the constitutionally mandated Separation of Powers lying down. They are already moving to defund those parts of the federal bureaucracy which would be needed to implement Obama’s planned executive amnesty.

This is, in my opinion, a moderately good response but it is difficult to fully realize and contains more form than function due to the bureaucracies in question having a backlog of various supplies and means to implement, in the near-term at least, Obama’s atrocity. I believe that America would be better served if Congress thought less about “No Executive Amnesty” and much more about “No Amnesty For The Executive.”

No Amnesty for the Executive
No Amnesty For The Executive

Instead of merely defunding those portions of the ICE that would allow Obama to legalize these illegal aliens, Congress should also defund all portions of the US Secret Service that do not direct pertain to safeguarding the payment and financial systems of the United States.

Let we, the People, who are the true law of- and keepers of justice in the land, decide whether or not to extend amnesty to Obama. 😉

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Please Be More Specific

It strikes me as more than a little odd that the US Secret Service has provided such seemingly piss-poor protection to Obama, especially since he’s supposedly the most threatened POTUS is recorded history.

Secret Service questions whether or not Obama should be in the White House
Could You Be More Specific

It sometimes makes me wonder if the Secret Service doesn’t actually believe that protecting Obama from assassination is actually in the best interests of America.

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PSD Saves Obama’s Life

The Liberals and the minority tenants made a big deal of wringing their hands and ranting in fear of some American – who they are sure will happen to be White – will kill off their boy, Obama. They’ve obviously never studied crime statistics or they’d know that most killings are done by people the victim knows…

PSD Saves Obama

Fortunately for Obama and his followers, the Secret Service agents assigned as Obama’s, Personal Security Detachment (PSD) will literally throw themselves in harm’s way to protect Obama, even from his own stupidity or the landmines laid by the First Lady. 😛

Interestingly though, their was some discussion about this within the Secret Services’ ranks and some concern about racial sensitivities and cultural differences. Simply put, they were concerned that Michelle, being Black, might want Barack to say that her butt looked big.

The final consensus was that Obama was a guy and a husband and, irrespective of race, would give the wrong answer and that the PSD needed to intervene in these dangerous situations. 😆

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