They're Teaching Our Kids

They’re Teaching Our Kids

Normal, right-thinking adults don’t try to introduce sex, sexuality, or sexual identification to young children. Normal, right-thinking adults know that there’s little no age-appropriate “sexual education” for children that young. On the other hand, perverts and predators do exactly that if given the chance to do so. So do sociopolitically motivated sorts who want to create a world more friendly to sexual deviancy and assault, and they’re teaching our kids right now.

This Is Sick And It’s Not OK

And this whole, growing phenomenon of drag queens having a story hours and teaching session with little kids? That’s sick. That’s not in any way OK! Not when the purpose is to introduce sex and sexual identity to very young children. And especially not when drag queens are the most extreme and poorest – quite often false – examples of the trans.

But, of course, the Left – though apparently and, if so, logically, not the queers therein – are all for it and want this sort of thing expanded upon and entrenched in our schools and. failing that, libraries.


The real question, however, before American adults, most especially but not only parents, is what are we going to do about this. What are we going to do to protect the children of our communities from sexual predators and their enablers, but deliberate and merely misguided or uncaring?

To paraphrase Hillary and to turn her words against her sort, if it takes a village to raise a child, then it most certainly takes a village to defend them.

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Dems' 2022 Dating Woes

Dems' 2022 Dating Woes
Dems’ 2022 Dating Woes

The Dems’ 2022 dating woes just keep getting worse. And that’s got to be bad for them since they were already pretty much failing at sex. For them, Netflix and Chill just keeps getting more and more difficult and more fraught with more and more problems, and that’s if they can figure out who to have sex with. ๐Ÿ˜†

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What Was The Point?

What Was The Point Of Installing Ketanji Brown
What Was The Point Of Installing Ketanji Brown?

The Democrats have installed Ketanji Brown in the SCOTUS – a foregone conclusion surrounded by quasi-useless political kabuki and posturing for the electorate. But what was the point of it? She’s not particularly well-qualified and can’t or won’t even provide a definition of “woman” when asked.

It Was Actually A Secondary Point

While, exactly like choosing Kamala Harris as Biden’s Vice President, Brown’s race and gender – irony in the epic tier – was the primary point in her nomination, it was important for Brown to show her allegiance to LGBT+ front, including the anti-science dog-whistle of referring to biologists as opposed to psychologists in her negative answer.

For too long, our government, our courts haven’t looked like America. I believe it’s time that we have a court that reflects the full talents and greatness of our nation with a nominee of extraordinary qualifications, and that we inspire all young people to believe that they can one day serve their country at the highest level.

Creepy Uncle Joe Biden

Of course, like almost everything a Democrat says, Biden’s statement was false. Black’s make up approx. 13% of the population, so they’re already “over-represented” in the SCOTUS, necessarily so given the small number of Justices if one places any value in race. But true, Brown being a woman does now split the genders of the court 5:4, which is as close to what America looks like gender-wise as one can get. Still though, pretty much a wash to anyone who doesn’t believe that minority over-representation is still somehow both under-representation and important in and of itself – in other words, important only to the sorts who vote for Democrats.

Why Brown’s Virtue Signalling Matters

Firstly, while fear-inducing, Brown’s trans virtue signalling should be taken with a grain of salt. It’s not uncommon for applicants to lie during job interviews and that’s exactly what confirmation hearings are. Of course she was going to say what Democrat Senators wanted to hear from her. So there’s that.

Why Definitions Matter

But, anyone in the legal profession, especially any judge who can’t or won’t declare the definition of “woman” is a clear and present danger to the women in America. America has a number of laws, regulations, and norms solely designed to protect and privilege women and men choosing to “identify” as women have been encroaching on most, if not all of them, more often than not to the detriment of our womenfolk.

And how, pray tell, can we trust a Justice to opine correctly if they can’t or won’t provide or abide by the definition of “woman?” And, frankly, it’s plausible with the way things have been going – see Dolezal and Warren – the potential problem could expand even further.


So yeah, I’m unsurprised but quite unhappy with both the nomination and confirmation of Ketanji Brown to the highest court in America. Not because she’s Left-wing, though she is, since she’s replacing another Left-wing Justice. Certainly not because she’s either Black or presumably a woman since I see neither harm no value in her race or gender. I’m unhappy because her nomination and confirmation lends legitimacy to Tokenism and her verbal prostration to the Left’s LGBT+ front potentially puts the basis of our legal system in jeopardy.

Please remember that even minority and dissenting opinions by SCOTUS Justices have, can, and will be referenced in lower courts to further one side of a case or another.

But, maybe Brown was just “code-switching” and voicing what the Democrats wanted to hear so she could land a sweet, lifetime job that she can’t in all practical respects be fired from. So, there’s hope.

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Republican Women

The Best Thing About Republican Women - No Penis!
The Best Thing About Republican Women

ROFLMAO Yep! That’s true! The singularly best thing about Republican Women is that they don’t have a penis, something that cannot be said about Democrat “females” at least not without drawing the screeching, strident, shrewish anger of certain varieties of Democrat SJWs. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Well, There's The Fragile Flower Of Femininity, Jenner
Well, There’s The Fragile Flower Of Femininity, Jenner

OK, OK! We’ve got – or had – Bruce Jenner, but that one seems to have switched parties as well as gender.

I don’t know why this is. I just don’t know if it’s that Democrats are more prone to gender issued based pathologies or if it’s that those with a propensity for such mental problems gravitate towards the Democrats. I don’t really care either. What I care about is that I can approach a Republican women and not have to worry about hearing Admiral Ackbar calling out, “It’s a trap!” ๐Ÿ˜†

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An Un-holiday Vocalization

An Un-holiday Vocalization

Finally, a Winter Un-Holiday Vocalization that the deranged SJWs of our Leftist domestic enemies might possible approve of! ๐Ÿ˜†

And yeah, it has to be an “un-holiday” because “holiday” is just a linguistic contraction of “Holy Day” and that would just set them right off, religion being inherently evil to what passes for their sort’s minds.

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