Participation Reward

Consider It A Participation Award
Consider It A Participation Award

Exactly! Any and all of those SJWs, Woke Whites, and other Millennial snowflakes who just happen to get hurt during one the Blacks’ “peaceful protests” should just consider it a participation award.

Think of it as your Woke Privilege and a virtue signal of your allyhood.

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Stages Of A SJW Freakout

Stages Of A SJW Freakout
Stages Of A SJW Freakout

ROFLMAO Yep! That more than aptly sums up the stages of an SJW’s Freakout over anything and everything that offends their tender sensibilities. At the end, they blame President Trump.

It’s truly amazing and gratifying how much sheer terror President Trump engenders in our diseased and deranged domestic enemies. Without even really trying he became their bugbear, their bogeyman, their bugaboo.

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We Will Bitch About Anything

hibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything
Shibari! No, Kinbaku! We Will Bitch About Anything

I believe that, while fundamentally true, Descarte’s famous philosophical statement, “cogito, ergo sum” can be more practically, in today’s world, be expressed as, “I complain, bitch, whine, and get offended, therefore I am.” We will seemingly bitch about anything and everything, even when – or, possibly especially when – doing so detracts or distracts from what is enjoyable or beautiful.

A perfect example of this is Japanese Rope Bondage. Many call it Shibari, while many others call it Kinbaku. And both camps are quite quick and vicious in their attacks upon the other. Also, since this is a Western (gaijin) issue, there are also the normal pack of SJWs stridently denouncing both camps for Cultural Appropriation. 🙄

Yeah, we will bitch about anything.

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Silence Of The Sheep

Silence Of The Sheep
Silence Of The Sheep

Silence Of The Sheep aptly sums up the fact that almost none of the Left will ever speak out against the actual misbehavior of either other Leftists or those sorts that they consistently pander to- and enable.

But then, there is a limit to how much an American can rightly blame them for their sheepish silence. The Left, especially those flying the war banners of Social Justice, are even more sociopathic and cannibalistic than Hannibal Lecter. Hence, not signally total belief in- and acceptance of the Left’s manifesto is too dangerous for them.

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Why Socialism? Blame Race!

Why Socialism? Blame Race!
Why Socialism? Blame Race!

If you’ve ever wondered why so many of the entitled, mis-raised Millennial Snowflakes have turned to Socialism, you might want to blame race or, rather, the Left’s rendition of racial politics. While perhaps counterintuitive, the SJWs’ ideas of “race relations” seems like a good bet for being a large part of why this has happened.

Understand two things: people in general are fairly self-centered and self-serving, with the Millennials being more than a bit more so; and the Left’s whole agenda when it comes to non-Whites is giving them Whites’ money. This simply means that these Millennials have been drawn to the only political-economic system that promises to give them money and give the non-Whites money.

It’s really just a way for them to get a piece of the pie that their side wants to give to others while not triggering an attack from the SJWs.

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