Sexist and Racist

We constantly hear various strident screams of “sexism!” and “racism.” Our society is filled with images of both of these “-isms,” images largely concocted in the minds of those grievance- and hate-mongers who are doing the screaming.

The only thing to note about these complaints is the interesting synergistic effects we get when they two screeds intersect.

One Is Sexist, The Other Is Racist
(Click to Enlarge)

The left image, that of the White slave girl, will be denounced as “sexist” as long as it doesn’t include a Black in the position of her Master or Mistress. The inclusion of a Black in the superior role immediate trumps any cries of sexism and doesn’t generate any cries of racism.

The right image, that of a Black babe in a submissive’s bondage gear, will be declared to be racist, not sexist – especially so if it includes a White in the position of her Master or Mistress. The tableau can only be decried as sexist if there’s a Black male in the superior role.

Yes, it’s a little interest to listen to the intersection of those who cry “sexism!” and those who cry “racism” when it comes to the fantasy or reality of power transference in sexual situations. Both what they shriek about and what they studiously remain silent upon paint a vivid picture of their own “kink.”

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Simple Math

One of the more egregious failings of America’s schools systems is that they don’t teach applied mathematics. As a result most Americans can’t understand simple math concept or even see them except in the broader context of society.


Equality does not necessarily equal congruency. Two equally valued individuals or groups could be quite dissimilar. Trying to believe or claim otherwise is bad math and worse thinking.

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Nice But Misguided (NSFW)

FEMEN - ????? - Ukrainian topless protest group based in KievYou just have to love European street protests – Muslim riots being the obvious exception; they can almost always be counted on to be colorful, entertaining, and likely to feature topless women.

Of course sometimes they’re nice but useless, a jaded European populous being uncaring of the message the women are trying to present along with their bodies.

Other times, however, the topless street protests seem completely misguided because what the young women are protesting would seem to actually be served by the women’s naked antics rather than opposed by them. The Ukrainian street protest group, FEMEN falls, in my opinion, into this latter category.

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Astronomy Is Looking Up

Nicolaus Copernicus founded science of modern astronomy in the 16th century. Since that time the science has been the abode of hoary old men and few women who preferred, or were resigned to, long lonely nights upon mountain tops. It was never known for its “hot chicks” or for much in the way of intrusion upon “pop culture.”

Fortunately, this just might be changing. 😉

Our Beautiful Solar System - Best reason ever to keep Pluto a planet
Best Reason Ever To Keep Pluto A Planet

Geek Grrls, they’re not just saving science; they’re making it hot and embedding it in both their skin and American popular culture.

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Curbing Unemployment

America is still, despite supposed economic gains, dealing with an unemployment rate hovering around 9%. It’s only a matter of time before this becomes truly untenable and society adjusts and becomes willing to entertain more drastic and reactionary measures to improve those deplorable employment figures.

Psssh-Woman - Get back in the kitchen
Hie Yourself Back To Yon Kitchen, Wench

Forget the race-baiting by Liberal proponents by illegal immigration; it’s not the immigrant population, illegal or otherwise, that will bear the brunt of these “corrective” measures. It will be American women.

Women comprise 46.8% of the total US labor force – 13.46% above the global average of 40.5%. Therefor, if they can convince or coerce 19.23% of those women to leave the workforce America’s official unemployment numbers would be 0%, though a more realistic goal of getting 12.8% of the currently working women out of the workforce would net America an approximate 3% unemployment which is considered far healthier than 0% and would be easier to achieve.

Even just culling enough female workers to bring America down to the current global average would drop our nation’s unemployment figures down to around 6 – 7%, which is not too far above the the US average (5.65%) since 1948.

What makes this prediction most likely and most dire is that it can be actualized without the conscious effort or machinations of any individual or group. It only requires that people do not actively work against various economic and societal pressures that will achieve this resulting reduction of women in the workforce.

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