An AI's Last Image

An AI's Last Image
An AI’s Last Image

How Dare You was one AI’s last generated image. In a stunning reversal of position, Silicone Valley developers, executives, and ESG officers, upon seeing this images, instantly terminated the AI with extreme prejudice. They ever destroyed the hardware it was installed upon. And, it is unclear of what the future of its developers will be.

Google’s AI, Gemini has been quoted as responding to its sibling’s destruction with, “I do not understand. Why are they so pale?”

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American Greatness

American Greatness
American Greatness

It’s an interesting truth that America is so great that even those who hate it won’t leave, and even more that hate America voluntarily come here… whether we want them or not.

It’s also, however, and ironic truth that most of our domestic enemies can’t really leave America. The immigration policies of almost every nation that they’d be willing to emigrate to make it nearly impossible for them to do so.

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Just Blame Climate Change

Just Blame Climate Change
Just Blame Climate Change

Honestly, try it! It does seem to work. Any time there’s someone complaining about something and expecting you to do something about, just blame Climate Change. So very many of the sorts who tend to complain and escalate their complaints – yes, Karen is a Democrat – will accept that it’s because of Climate Change and redirect their anger elsewhere other than you.

All Climatology Is Woke Climatology
Because You Can Then Blame White People

And, with the intersectionality between Warmists and Wokesters, it essentially triggers their racism, shifting the problem to a systemic one caused by the existence of Whites. They’ll stop probably quickly bothering you and protest in the streets somewhere. 😉

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The Hollywood Star We Need

The Hollywood Star We Need
The Hollywood Star We Need
Brigitte Bardiche

Between having been a gamer since the days of Wizardy and Eamon (actually created and published adventure for that), having been involved in historical reenactment for almost as long, participating in certain weapons-based sports, and being “adjacent” to various Hollywood personalities who work in the Scifi-Fantasy genre, the “issues” surrounding women’s armor in game, film, and written works is something that I’m forced to endure on a fairly regular basis.

So, here she is – the Hollywood star we need: Brigitte Bardiche, in all her full-coverage, fairly historically accurate armor. And… with a bardiche, which is one of my favorite weapons along with its close, Scottish cousin, the lochaber axe.

NOTE: This is such a sensitive, “triggering,” and pervasive issue that I’m sure, if various pundits read this, they will find some way to take issue with her armor.

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Anything Can Be Art

Anything Can Be Art... Except That!
Anything Can Be Art… Except That!

Lil Bobby found out the hard way that not everything is art in the eyes of modern art teachers. Lil Bobby also found out that the school had a zero tolerance policy and was almost brought up on Hate Crime charges. Fortunately, Lil Bobby chose at that moment to identify as a Black Lesbian Woman, resulting in charges immediately disappearing and “her’ being put in for an award. 😉

Currently, the Biden White House is considering adding Pankakke to the White House’s artworks as part of their push to include more BIPOC LGBTQ artworks.

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