Anarchist NYC

NYC Is Formally Declared An Anarchist City

The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has declared New York City, along with Portland and Seattle, as “Anarchist Jurisdictions” due to their local governments having permitted violence and destruction of property to persist and having refused to undertake reasonable measures to counteract criminal activities within their borders.

[sic] … in New York City, city officials have allowed violence to spike. In late May and early June, State and local officials allowed looting to take place for over a week, resulting in damage to an estimated 450 businesses. As of August 16, there have been 896 shootings in New York this year, compared to 492 shootings during the same period last year. The shooting victims include children as young as 1 year old. Shootings have been rising in recent weeks, and police reported 244 shootings last month compared to 88 in July 2019 — a 177 percent increase. While violence has surged, arrests have plummeted. In a 28-day period during the months of June and July, arrests were down 62 percent from the same period in 2019. Amidst the rising violence, Mayor Bill de Blasio and the New York City Council agreed to cut one billion dollars from the New York Police Department (NYPD) budget, including by canceling the hiring of 1,163 officers. In June, Police Commissioner Dermot Shea disbanded the NYPD’s plainclothes anti-crime units, which target illegal guns and violent crime. Police officials have cited this decision as a factor contributing to the rise in violence. In light of this unconscionable rise in violence, I have offered to provide Federal law enforcement assistance, but both Mayor de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo have rejected my offer.

— President Donald J. Trump
Memorandum on Reviewing Funding to State
and Local Government Recipients That Are Permitting
Anarchy, Violence, and Destruction in American Cities

This isn’t just idle words either. De Blasio’s outright refusal to maintain law and order and his and his family’s outright, over support for the race rioters of #BlackLivesMatter may well cost NYC more than $7 billion federal grant monies in fiscal 2021 alone. That would be approximately 7.5% of the NYC government’s total expected revenues. And that will be coming on top however much damage the Blacks and their enablers end up costing the city and the $9 billion loss in tax revenue the city faces due to de Blasio’s and Cuomo’s response to COVID-19.

Those of us living in NYC will soon see just how much de Blasio, Cuomo, and their constituencies in #BlackLivesMatter, #Antifa, and other Democrat cells have cost us. The director of the Office of Management and Budget has 30 days to issue guidance to federal agencies on restricting eligibility for federal grants for the cities on the DOJ’s list.

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Democrats On Cop Killings

Democrats On Cop Killings

And that, My Fellow Americans, is the sad truth of things in 2020. Democrat politicians ignore or refuse to address the ongoing ambushing police officers, a trend started during Obama’s regime and which has escalated in recent months as more and more Blacks join the insurrection.

Then again, this can’t be considered too surprising. #BlackLivesMatter, #Antifa, and the other splinter groups rioting, burning, and murdering in dozens of cities across America are all Democrats themselves. They’re the constituencies of these politicians. One can hardly expect those Democrat politicians to put their jobs at risk by speaking out against them.

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Asking For Democrats

What's the carbon footprint of burning a city?

Asking for democrats
Asking For Democrats

While a perfectly valid question, given the Democrats’ stance on America’s impact upon the world’s climate, this is a question that must only be asked sarcastically. Nothing outweighs the Blacks’ “right” to wage a race war in the minds of the anti-American, anti-White Left.

Remember, they started pivoting Climate Change into a racial issue some time ago in an attempt to vilify White societies. Simply put, this is because Global Warming, like everything else in Creation, can only be seen through the lens of race by Democrats and likely Democrats.

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Counter-Protest Safely

Counter-Protest Safely
Counter-Protest Safely

Remember, these are dark and dangerous times in America. When peacefully counter-protesting against the mobs of #BlackLivesMatter, #Antifa, and other Democrats, do so while keeping your safety firmly in mind and maintaining social distancing protocols. 😉

Remember, it is far safer to counter-protest at a distance. It keeps you away from diseases and the sort of creatures that are prone to carrying such. It can also be a far more effective means by which to positively affect the course our nation takes in the coming years.

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America Used TO Know How To Solve For That Problem

It’s a simple fact that, back in the day, Americans didn’t have to deal with things like #BlackLivesMatter or their “White” allies, #Antifa. We, as a People knew how to deal with their sort in order to protect our own from them.

Sure – not going to deny the truth; we also committed a lot of egregious wrongs and did some very unnecessary and evil things. But, we also didn’t have the crap we’re dealing with today – in times when actual racism is largely a memory and Blacks are in a much better position.

Want The Klan? This Is How You Bring Back The Klan

Just so you know – since real history is not allowed to be taught in our schools anymore – the feral savagery of #BlackLivesMatter is exactly the behavior that was wrongfully at that time expected from the newly freed Blacks by many Southerners after the Bluebellies conquered us. Also, #Antifa follows the same path as the carpetbaggers, though they greatly exceed the violence and danger of those 19th-century Northern grifters.

And, to defend what was left of the South after the end of Lincoln’s War from those sorts is exactly why the Klu Klux Klan was originally formed.

So yeah, the Klan was wrong then; little to nothing that they expected happened. They wouldn’t, however, be wrong now.


Yeah, back in the day, Americans knew how to deal with things like #BlackLivesMatter and #Antifa. Maybe, with greater intelligence applied, we should rethink no longer caring first about the Greater Good than the comfort of small groups of savage, feral malcontents.

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