A Dark, Hateful Truth

Liberals and Progressives, almost all of whom happen to be White, seem to hold a deep love for the Blacks that they enable and pander to. This is, however, an one-sided and utterly unrequited love. The dark and hateful truth is that the Blacks hate those White Liberals and Progressives nigh on as much as they hate the average White American.

No matter how much liberals try to remove themselves from the burden of racism, white supremacist ideology – which governs all systems in America – holds them just as guilty to its effects. Like Pilate, their hands are still full of so much blood; though they may not directly offer up communities of color and indigenous communities to be discriminated against and oppressed, colorblind policies do very little to stop the mass annihilation of a deeply marginalized people.

Appearances can be deceiving. Sure, liberals may be down for the cause, march in our marches, go through the anti-racism trainings, attend conferences on social justice and reconciliation, advocate for equal pay and living wages, press for an end to mass incarceration and police brutality, and even quote the thought leaders of our present day movements – so long as the freedoms of others do not threaten their own, they are there. But the moment, the moment, when the freedoms and power of people of color and indigenous folks appear to threaten their own sense of ownership, pride, and identity, they function just as criminal as the conservative other.

Ebony Johanna

The funny thing is that it’s doubtful that the Liberals and Progressives would be too offended to find out how the Blacks really think of them. Liberals’ and Progressives’ views of Blacks is odd and rather pernicious mix of paternalism ala “The White Man’s Burden” and ethno-guiltism. Hence, they both expect no better from the Blacks and derive some sort pleasure from the Blacks’ hatred, it feeding their pathological need for punishment.

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White Male Privilege?

In America these days we’re forced to hear a lot about privilege, especially “White Privilege” and to a somewhat lesser degree “Male Privilege.” And, of course, the upshot of this is that America’s domestic enemies promulgate the meme that the White Male is the source of everyone else’s woes.

You’ve got to love it almost as much as you love the truth of your White and/or Male privilege.

I Love My White Male Privilege

Yes, sad and frustrating to say, that is essentially the truth. Oh sure, one can argue the specifics of his claims – one can always argue the specifics of such claims, elsewise the clerisy would run out of grant requests – but in this case the devil isn’t in the detail, the devil’s in the situation as a whole.

So yes, my gentle readers, both racism and sexism are alive and well in America. They’re both also institutional if one can describe current culture and the laws and political rhetoric as an institution. It’s just that the racism, when correctly defined, is now aimed at Whites and the sexism is aimed at men. Hence, woe betide the “privileged” White Man.

Nor is this new. The shift in racism and sexism began generations ago in the early 1960s and has continued its degenerative path until this day. Indeed, the entire basis of “privilege” is nothing but a means to marginalized and silence anyone who speaks out against the ant-White racism and misandrist sexism of today. Once can not inaccurately call “Privilege” the new “Uppity.”

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The Politics Of Identity

Sadly but not surprisingly, Identity Politics has been mainstreamed in America. Of course that means that what now passes for large swaths of American society has to politicize Identity, else they have know agenda that can be enacted.

The politics of identity
The Politics Of Identity

And, of course, not all Identities can be allowed to be equal. Some Identities, those that are normative or are associated with a long-standing moral thesis must be ridiculed, derided, and if at all possible marginalized in preparation for destruction.

So yes, there’s a war on Christianity in America. Our nation’s domestic enemies want to silence Christians by punishing them for adhering to their faith. In essence, the Liberals and Progressives, along with the various non-normal minority groups that they enable and pander to, want to replace freedom of religion – when and only when it applies to Christians – with freedom of worship.

The why of this is even more simple and horrid than the how of it. America’s domestic enemies want to change the very Identity of America.

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Obama On Dissent

It seems that with each and every issue that arises Obama is heard trash-talking, dissing, and generally casting shade upon those who dissent from his agenda. It seems that the boy has a idiosyncratic idea of the definition of “Bully Pulpit.”

You need to shut your racist, White mouths
Obama On Dissent – Let Me Be Clear

The thing is that, when you strip away all his well-spoken nuance, all he’s ever said is that White people – who are, after all, inherently racist because they’re White – need to just shut their mouths. Sure Obama says this with no trace of Negro dialect but the content of his words is the same and that’s what’s important.

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Light Girls’ Faces

There’s a plethora a roads that lead to beauty and beautiful faces come in many shades. No one is any better or worse than any other, though each of us will likely have our preferences – though I’m one of the exceptions this, not having any generalized, ethnic or racial preferences when it comes to women’s beauty.

Light Girls’ Beautiful Faces

Of course, society being what it is, not all beautiful faces are treated equally. This is especially true for light-skinned Black women. They catch a lot of Hell from their darker-toned sisters…for no other reason than being a lighter shade of brown.

Don’t get me wrong; I’ve my own issues with society’s general conception of Black beauty. It’s just that the prejudice, bigotry, and general vileness of the “Black Community’s” response to light-skinned Black women – especially if they have “good hair” and/or light eys – is extremely despicable, vulgar, and abhorrent to me.

To those angry Blacks and the various Liberal angst appropriators who believe that I, a White man – a “Cracka” to boot, should never comment on internecine Black issues: Suck it up, Buttercup!

I live in “The Hood” and one of my wives is Black. I have to hear about and, to some extent, deal with this shit every day so I’ll comment as I damn well please.

The shadism or colorism that the “Black Community” inflicts upon itself is as ridiculous as it is pernicious, which is to be expected since it’s nothing but racism being applied to their own people.

Read on for the sociopolitical rant

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