Nicki’s Offending People

Nicki's Offending People ... Again
Nicki’s Offending People … Again

Singer / Rapper Nicki Minaj – whom my anaconda would most definitely like – is offending people again. This time it’s some of the shots from her upcoming November spread in Marie Claire magazine.

From the teaser excerpts of her interview, I’d say that this time it won’t be anything that she said that offends the “Black Community,” SJWs, and a broad swath of the “Intersectional Feminists.” Ms. Minaj seems to have largely said all the right things and only made statements that might offend people lacking in protected traits. No, it’s going to be the photos of her naked or near-naked with a White Man that’s going to offend the ever-delicate sensibilities of many.

One apparently has to remember that the “Black Community,” SJWs, and “Intersectional Feminists” have their own Jim Crow laws and their own definition of miscegenation. While they approve of Black males with White women, they are dead-set against White men with Black women. Hence, they’re going to be offended by Nicki Minaj’s Marie Claire photos.

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Light Girls’ Faces

There’s a plethora a roads that lead to beauty and beautiful faces come in many shades. No one is any better or worse than any other, though each of us will likely have our preferences – though I’m one of the exceptions this, not having any generalized, ethnic or racial preferences when it comes to women’s beauty.

Light Girls’ Beautiful Faces

Of course, society being what it is, not all beautiful faces are treated equally. This is especially true for light-skinned Black women. They catch a lot of Hell from their darker-toned sisters…for no other reason than being a lighter shade of brown.

Don’t get me wrong; I’ve my own issues with society’s general conception of Black beauty. It’s just that the prejudice, bigotry, and general vileness of the “Black Community’s” response to light-skinned Black women – especially if they have “good hair” and/or light eys – is extremely despicable, vulgar, and abhorrent to me.

To those angry Blacks and the various Liberal angst appropriators who believe that I, a White man – a “Cracka” to boot, should never comment on internecine Black issues: Suck it up, Buttercup!

I live in “The Hood” and one of my wives is Black. I have to hear about and, to some extent, deal with this shit every day so I’ll comment as I damn well please.

The shadism or colorism that the “Black Community” inflicts upon itself is as ridiculous as it is pernicious, which is to be expected since it’s nothing but racism being applied to their own people.

Read on for the sociopolitical rant

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Greasing The Slope

Slippery SlopeThe Slippery Slope is generally considered to be a fallacy. It is an argument in which a person asserts that some event must inevitably follow from another, prior event without any providing any argument for the inevitability of the event in question. In most cases, there are a series of steps or gradations between the eventual event and the one being argued against but no reason is given as to why the intervening steps or gradations will simply be bypassed or enacted in their turn.

In general I agree. The Slippery Slope is a fallacy and, much more often than not, sloppy thinking. But what if we’re greasing the slope as it were?

Many laws, especially those dealing with sexual partnering, sexual acts, and sexual relationships are wholly or primarily based upon societal mores and cultural “prejudices.” Many of those laws that once had valid scientific rationales at one time have lost those rationals due to medical advances. Others had and still have outcome-based basis in the effects such things have upon the titular children of such unions, yet those negative consequences have been ignored in favor of a new ideology.

As you chip away at those laws that are based upon societal mores and cultural “prejudices” or apply new societal mores and cultural “prejudices” to existing situations you can make it so that each increase in permissiveness makes the next incremental increase that much more likely through normalizing or “main streaming” what was once unthought-of, abhorrent, and/or outre.

Western, especially American, jurisprudence also has to be taken into account because it’s inherently based upon Common Law and under the US interpretation of such court cases are decided based upon prior argument, precedents, and judicial pronouncements rather than solely on legislative enactments. in other words, arguments and verdicts in prior, similar court cases can be compelling or even binding precedents in current and future cases.

The Slope As It Was, Is, and Will Probably Be

Past Present Future
Miscegenation → Sodomy → Gay Marriage → Polygamy →
Fornication Incest
Adultery Pedophilia

Progress Is Opinion. Progression Is Mathematics

The battle to overturn the laws against miscegenation was long and hard-fought but it was victorious. But many of the same arguments that were successfully used Loving v. Virginia to end those “Jim Crow” statutes were later used in Lawrence v. Texas to abolish or make largely enforceable the various laws against: Sodomy, Fornication, Adultery, and violent sexual fetishism (BDSM). In turn, arguments from both Loving and Lawrence have been used to legalize Gay Marriage in various states and to overturn DOMA at the federal level.

Each set of court cases added their levels of grease to the slope, making it increasingly slippery. Hence, there is no logical reason not to predict that this progression will continue and that these increasingly entrenched arguments and precedents will be used to legalizing polygamy, incest, and some forms and/or levels of pedophilia.


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Bipartisanship is very often lauded even though, under the current regime, it is a word more often used to paint the enemy as obstructionist for not giving the Left everything that they clamor for.

Bipartisanship - It can be ugly and so very wrongYou Didn’t Just Cross an Aisle. You Crossed A Line

The problem is that often in these times bipartisanship is not only wrong, it’s very, very ugly. 😉

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