Prophylactic History

Condom History
The Early History Of The Condom

It should be noted, however, that these Western innovations and improvements upon Arab Muslim technology haven’t appreciably changed the Muslims’ dating and sexual practices. 😉

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Bipartisanship is very often lauded even though, under the current regime, it is a word more often used to paint the enemy as obstructionist for not giving the Left everything that they clamor for.

Bipartisanship - It can be ugly and so very wrongYou Didn’t Just Cross an Aisle. You Crossed A Line

The problem is that often in these times bipartisanship is not only wrong, it’s very, very ugly. 😉

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Muslim Kiddie Porn

All people know that the Muslims, the cult of the Pedophile Prophet, like their rape victims young enough not to be threatening. All people also know that Muslims and Muslims, irrespective of where they’ve invaded or colonized; they do not ever become part of their host societies.

This changes the nature of kiddie porn in areas such Dearbornistan which has a virulent enough Muslim infection to change the tenor of such vile things.

Bleat For Uncle Muhammad, Baby – Just Like A’isha Used To

Of course this only applies to monosexual Muslims…

Question: What do you call a Muslim with goats and camels?
Answer: Bisexual

Camels just don’t thrive in America except in the Southwest which is an area largely, if imperfectly, inoculated against Islam – though I’m sure that CAIR and the ACLU will eventually file a lawsuit about this. 😉

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Muslim Dating

So what’s a horny Muslim male supposed to do for sex if it doesn’t live where it can either fuck one of Allah’s whores or buy a prepubescent girl to rut into? It’s been bot ha question and problem since Islam was contained and they could no longer conquer parts of the Civilized World and rape human women.

These Muslim males are cunning though and some have worked around the problem…

Raghead With Sheep On Bike - Muslim Dating At Its Finest - Note: No Human or Muslim Females Were Harmed In The Making Of This Image
It’s Always The “Bad Boy” On The Bike

But hey! Who am I to judge? The ewe seems very, very happy (creepy!), no human women were or are being harmed and/or befouled, Muslims aren’t cross-fertile with sheep, and the Liberals keep harping that I shouldn’t judge any part of another culture…

So, Ewe go, Muhammad! You Baa-aaad boy! Just be careful; in some areas of the Muslim World they’ll make you marry her. 😛

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Strange Bedfellows

Politics makes for strange bedfellows and war and Muslim Terrorism is just an extension of politics, so it’s unsurprising that Al-Qaeda’s “spiritual leader,” Osama Bin Laden would cultivate a relationship with North Korea’s yammering monkey, Kim Jong Il. Yet, who knew that it would take such a bizarre, depraved, and disgusting turn?

Strange Indeed! Most Believed Osama Preferred Goats

A leading Al-Qaeda cleric, Imam Abdul Al Akroot ibn Al Daa’reh Khanzeer responded to queries about Osama Bin Laden’s seemingly prohibited relationship with the North Korean dictator.

What Osama has done is permissible.  It is not the sin of homosexuality because Kim Jong Il is not a man; he is a monkey.  As Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated in the Kitab Al-Hudud, “There is no prescribed punishment for one who has sexual intercourse with an animal.”

Allah is merciful. Women of Islam are few and goats and such are many, and it is often hard for a man to tell them apart in the night. Allah knows this and thus it is halal.

Sadly, when questioned on the fact that the ayat immediately preceding the one that he cited (Book 38, Number 4450) called for the death of any man caught fornicating with an animal – and the death of the animal! – Imam Abdul Al Akroot went into a violent rage and became too incoherent to continue the interview.

The Civilized World just fervently and desperately hopes and prays that Osama Bin Laden and Kim Jong Il will not follow in the trend of celebrities couples and release a sex tape. 😯

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