Fucking For Allah
Iran’s front group and terrorist organization in Lebanon, Hezbollah, has determined how to both recruit more young-adult terrorists and increase the size of their nests via breeding the next litters of jihadis. They’ve decided to exhort their women and girls to fuck for Allah.
Mohammad, a 40-year old Lebanese Shiite who lives in Hezbollah’s stronghold in Beirut’s southern suburbs, was holding forth on the virtues of resistance, loyalty, and sex. “You could create the most loyal army by providing political power, social services and fulfilling the desires of your men — namely, sexual ones,” he declared.
At first glance Mohammad’s mouthings do not seem completely vile. They could easily be interpreted by humans from the Civilized World as merely an exhortation for the Muslim women to make full use of their marriage beds. Sadly but utterly unsurprisingly to anyone familiar with what passes for “Muslim culture,” especially that of the nests of Shiites, that was not what this Mohammad was jabbering about.
Mohammad’s vile babble was aimed to coerce the Lebanese women and girls surviving under Hezbollah’s rule to spread their dusky-olive legs for the jihadis under the “auspices” of Nikah Mut’ah, aka Mutaa marriages.
Nikah Mut’ah or Mutaa is presented as a form of “temporary marriage” that allows Muslim men to have Shari’a sanctioned sex with a woman or girl for a limited period of time, without incurring any commitments, and without the obligatory involvement of an imam. It is accepted as permitted (halal) only amongst the Shiite nests.
The contract is very simple. The woman says: “I marry myself to you for [a specific period of time] and for [a specified dowry]” and the man says: “I accept.” The period can range between one hour and a year, and is subject to renewal. A Muslim woman can only marry a Muslim man, but a Muslim man can temporarily marry a Muslim, Christian, or Jewish woman, as long as she is a divorcée or a widow. However, those interviewed for this article confirmed that Hezbollah – the “Party of God” – has allowed the practice to spread to virgins or girls who have never married before, as long as the permission of her guardian (father or paternal grandfather) is obtained.
Then the Hezbollah jihadi strips her down – at least as far as needed for his purposes – and ruts into her, hopefully as far as Hezbollah is concerned, breeding his misborn get into her. Afterward he tucks his filthy member away and goes back to whatever it is jihadis do when they’re not fornicating.
The woman or girl of course pockets her “dowry,” or gives it to her “guardian” and does whatever it is that she is going to do at that point. Weep for he violation? Go calmly back to her business? Clean up a bit and make herself ready for her next “husband?” I suppose that depends entirely on the woman or girl in question and how resigned she is to fucking – presumably time and time again – for Allah.
This, of course, follows a sad and predictable pattern. No matter that the Muslim vermin called it a “marriage” and the money or goods exchanged a “dowry,” it’s trading wealth for sex – i.e. prostitution. Whoring is whoring and pandering is pandering. The facts don’t change just because some vermin in a kufiya believes that the diseased ravings of 6th Century pedophile justify the despicable and abhorrent practice.
One Has To Wonder How Young They Start Them
Given certain Muslim predilections and Hezbollah’s expanding of mutaa to include, “virgins or girls who have never married before, as long as the permission of her guardian (father or paternal grandfather) is obtained,” any right-thinking person from the Civilized World has to wonder just how young the girls are who are being forced into being whores and broodmares for Hezbollah’s filthy jihadis.
The one pertinent question that remains before humanity is how long can our souls bear the stain and shame of allowing this abomination to continue. Surely we must end up rightfully damned by our Gods if we choose to allow these subhuman filth to continue to foul the land.
Surely it must eventually come down to either bringing the purifying fire unto these mockeries of human form or accepting the fires of damnation that letting them continue to turn their womenfolk into whores will properly earn each of us.
Tags: Hezbollah | Iran | Islam | Jihad | Lebanon | Marriage | Muslims | Politics | Prostitution | Sex | Shiites | Terrorism | Terrorists | War | War On Terror
November 29th, 2009 at 7:29 am
Did not know this Jonolan… thank you for this post.
November 29th, 2009 at 8:33 am
How could you know of it? Fox is too tied up with domestic issues to bother reporting on it, and the rest of the MSM is fairly strongly against reporting anything negative about Muslims that their apologists can “excuse’ as being either America’s or Israel’s supposed fault.
November 29th, 2009 at 10:23 am
Now that is interesting. I can’t say I am overly surprised, nothing motivates men more than sex …
November 29th, 2009 at 1:55 pm
I was shocked to hear of it myself, but upon reflection I really shouldn’t have been. Nikah Mut‘ah has been around almost as long as the Shiite Muslims have been. It was only a matter of time before Shiite jihadis twisted it into something even worse…
November 30th, 2009 at 10:53 pm
It surprises me an orthodox religious group would do this. Seems they are relaxing their standards for the sake of recruitment. This may be a good thing. Orthodox wackos tend to generate the most ardent supporters. The liberalization of these freaks may lead to an eventual dissolution of jihadist thought. If anything, they’ll be lazy sex-stoned terrorists. Easy pickings for our troops.
December 1st, 2009 at 10:23 am
Shiite’s have been practicing Mutaa marriages for over a thousand years. After all that time, I’d say that it is a fairly orthodox practice amongst them, thekillerj. And when they twist it into further enslaving their women for the sake of serving Allah it would just further reinforce the Orthodox wackos.
In other words, there’s no “liberalization” going on here because Shiites have been doing it for ages. Now, if it were Sunnis doing it, especially Wahhabists, that be exactly what you were describing and would likely reach the results you posit.
December 2nd, 2009 at 7:00 am
Hi Jonolan;
The Germans encouraged this as well to my knowledge while the Nazi’s were in power.
It doesn’t matter which religion, there seems to be a general consensus when a “need” arises, faith is compromised.
December 2nd, 2009 at 1:17 pm
I believe you’re speaking of the Lebensborn which was created by Himmler. That was a bit different. It wasn’t a program that coerced women into providing sex and children so much as it was a support structure for the wives of SS troopers and any unmarried women who became pregnant by German soldiers.
In occupied countries, thousands of women facing reprisals because they were in relationships with German soldiers (invaders) and had gotten pregnant, didn’t have many alternatives other than the Lebensborn.
It was sort of a breeding program though. While nobody was forced to have sex with any specific partners, the program was only available to people who met medical selections that applied eugenic and “race” criteria.
December 28th, 2009 at 1:09 pm
Though the shia call themselves Muslims, their belief system and practices are far from the teaching of Islam based on Quran and the teachings of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam.
Mutah is totally forbidden (haram) in Islam and is considered prostitution which is not at all a part of Islam. Read about Mutah here:
December 28th, 2009 at 7:46 pm
That’s actually ironically funny – a Sunni Muslim complaining about the Shiite Muslims’ practice of Nikah Mut‘ah when the Sunnis have Nikah Misyar, which is close enough to mutaa to make no difference to anyone but a legalistic fool – or a Sunni trying to pretend it’s better than a Shiite.
I’ll clue you in; I’m kafir harbi – not even dhimmi – and you Muslims are all the same as far as I’m concerned. You’re all just malformed vermin that should be exterminated for the sake of public health and a better smelling planet.
December 29th, 2009 at 7:57 am
I may agree with to some extent…
But please, please, do never state that Islam is like that–the people may be, but the teachings of Qur’an are not.
And please do not insult our Prophet or anyone else since it is not deliberately just. Yes, I’m referring to the picture that you posted.
What such thing has contribute to our world is just hatred and provocations that leads to war.
With no intention of hatred, just a sincere request to pity me for the least, and to pity my religion for benevolence.
~yuG melsoM A tsuJ~
December 29th, 2009 at 8:05 am
When the Muslims evolve to point that they deserve other than derision I and others will adjust our thoughts, words, and actions. Until either that happens or Islam and adherents are eradicated, things will remain the same insofar as I’m concerned.
As for your pedophile prophet – To the pit of Hell with it and its diseased ravings.
Simply put, the ball is in the Muslims’ court. They can either ameliorate their ways or they can suffer for them.
April 24th, 2010 at 12:09 pm
very well written and you demonstrate a good knowledge of the legalisms of Islam. I do think you could have cut yuG melsoM A tsuJ a break, though. A muslim trying to have a fair dialogue may be a good target for an intellectual conversation about the evils of his faith, and perhaps a covert to reason.
But, I do like the picture of Mohammad (shit upon him) and Aisha.
April 24th, 2010 at 1:29 pm
Thanks for stopping by, Rick.
You are perhaps right about my response to uG melsoM A tsuJ, but I see little point left in engaging them in dialog. Words are not what is going to solve for the problem that they present to the world.
June 3rd, 2012 at 8:51 am
fuck all the enimies of allah and Islam
June 3rd, 2012 at 9:45 am
Awww, isn’t cute – some Jordanian raghead is trying so hard to speak a human tongue.
As for fucking the enemies of Allah and Islam – stick with fucking the pigs and goats like your sort has been doing for ages. You’re not ready for humans and your clumsy attempts will speed your extermination at our hands.
June 3rd, 2012 at 12:09 pm
They can’t evolve as long as they continue breeding with family members. They are “clinically insane.” I read an article a couple of months ago from the UK News that stated many Muslims in Australia were begging for psychological counseling. Some “are” recognizing they have serious mental problems. That type of insanity CANNOT BE CURED. They can be put on strong anti-psychotic meds but it will NOT cure them.
They thought they found a way out of continuing to have Insane children due to marrying their own relatives by marrying women of other faiths and races. Then they shoot themselves in the foot only to run THAT wife off due to their own insanity (or kill her).
These people are damn’d. They have a darkness of the soul that cannot be healed by their religion at all.
June 3rd, 2012 at 12:12 pm
Uyopi…you just made my point for me.
I know you have probably heard or read this…If NOT you might want to do a little research:
This amazing discovery was revealed after days of hard work pouring over copies of the original parchments that Muslims claim were written by Muhammad.
“I had heard of hidden messages that could be heard when a record [for those of you born after 1990 a record was round and played music – like a big CD] was played backwards so I decided to read the Koran backwards to see if there were any hidden messages in it – I was bored, what can I say? – and I was startled by what I found.”
Cleric Abba Dabadu showed this reporter the notes he had scribbled in the margins of the copies of the original Koran.
“The world was right! Muslims are a backward people but only because we’ve been reading the Koran backwards!” He pointed to one section. “See here, what we have always believed to be the end of the Koran is really the beginning. And here it clearly shows that the Koran, correction, the Narok, was not written by Muhammad as we originally thought but by a woman – A WOMAN – named Dammahum.”
So what does this mean for Islam?
October 27th, 2017 at 10:22 am
I notice the mention of Nazi breeding in the comments. Seems appropriate. Young girls, some 16 year old virgins, would be posted in a bedroom and a 30 to 35 year old SS stallion would enter with a purpose and duty to fuck her until she was pregnant. The SS officers would be splendid physical specimens with enormous sexual energy and the poor little girl just had to endure it. Three days of really hard fucking at his discretion and whim. Some of the younger girls had not agreed to do this and the SS officer simply beat her and raped her. Some of the “better” stallions were kept on call and were used often to impregnate the young girls. Some even serviced 2 different girls the same days. It could not be described as love making–it was simply fucking. The stud cared nothing for the girl and often looked down on her. He could be very brutal with the virgins as he wanted stories to share with his friends after he got through with his task. Being so young, most of the breeding attempts were not successful the first time or two. The girl was sent to a stallion for 3 days every 28 days. It was up to the stud as to how often the girl got fucked–most often 3 times daily for 3 days. It was just like an animal breeding program.
November 7th, 2017 at 6:40 pm
The activities above had to do with creating a master race and included the Lebensborn program. There also was an immediate need for factory workers and foot soldiers. Another program was started to increase potential personnel for these positions. Young women were selected without regard to the “Aryan” qualifications, but who had good (non-Jewish) backgrounds and who were healthy and willing. Young soldiers were selected through awards/rewards programs to pair up with the women to fuck them and impregnate them with good, German children. The pairings usually were not pre-arranged, but the soldier had some choice as to whom his sex partner would be. Equal numbers of eligible women and men were taken to a relaxing recreational place for 3 days of fun, fucking and frivolity. Unlike the SS officers, these soldiers spent the entire time with the girls. As with the other program, the man was in charge and fucked the woman whenever and however he wanted. Her job was just to take it. It was reported that most of the men were nice and treated the women well. It was the woman’s job to give the soldier a good time as a reward for his service to Germany. Reports showed that the women were fucked anywhere from 10 to 30 (!) times during the 3 day period. As a result, many little Nazis were made.
November 22nd, 2017 at 12:07 pm
Most of the records concerning Lebensborn and breeding programs (not the same thing) were destroyed by the Nazis. At the end of the war, however, there still was considerable information available. Much was published in periodicals which are no longer in existence. It more or less disappeared due to a lack of interest in post-war America. American soldiers brought home a lot of oral information about the program and it would shock anyone. There are private archives with a lot of oral and printed information. Some of the studs agreed to be interviewed and they provided the information in my 2 previous posts. Some of the SS officers regretted taking part in the breeding program and hoped that they did not have any offspring out there. Others denied taking part.
December 3rd, 2017 at 1:49 am
I have seen some videos which were secretly made in poorer sections of Arab/Muslim areas I understand young guys make these videos and sell them for a few dollars to dealers. One showed a very young girl, maybe 14, sitting on a bed in a small, cluttered room and she was crying. Soon an Arab man of maybe 50 years stumbled into the room. He was very unsteady from drinking and started screaming at the girl. Evidently, he ordered her to undress, which she reluctantly did. He pulled off his sandals and roughly got on top of the girl. He had on the dress-looking garment and just pulled it up to get to his dick. He was trying to get it in, but the girl was crying and resisting. He slapped her and kept trying. She kept resisting. He got up and picked up one of his sandals and used it to severely beat the girl on her bottom while she was screaming. He then got back on her and violently thrust his dick into her and kept it going for about 5 minutes. He finished and got up and left. The title of the video was “Virgin Bride!”