Silence, Kuffār!

Obongo sure do love him some raghead filth.
Silence, Kuffār!

On Tuesday, January 13 2015, when questioned about both Obama’s refusal to attend the Anti-Jihad Unity March in Paris and the boy continued and unflagging support for Islam, often at the cost of American journalistic freedom, the Regime’s mouthpiece defended such actions.

The President will not now be shy about expressing a view or taking the steps that are necessary to try to advocate for the safety and security of our men and women in uniformñ€ whenever journalistsñ€ℱ work may provoke jihadist attacks.

There was a genuine concern that the publication of some of those materials could put Americans abroad at risk, including American soldiers at risk.

I will say that there have been occasions where the administration will make clear our point of view on some of those assessments based on the need to protect the American people and to protect our men and women in uniform.

I wouldnñ€ℱt rule out making those kinds of expressions again.

— White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest

It says a lot about the POTUS’ loyalties and general outlook when, immediately in the wake of the brutal jihadist massacre of the staff of a satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, he and his regime “double down” on pressuring the American MSM to not offend the Muslims by publishing anti-jihad articles.

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MSM: #RespectForIslam

MSM - Respect For Islam
MSM Wants #RespectForIslam

The MSM is made up of two sorts of what must be generously labeled as people. There are the oikophobes who fear, loath, and hate anything that part of long-standing Western culture; and then there are the cowards who believe in little or nothing and will only “speak truth to power” when there’s no credible risk to themselves by doing so.

Muslims know this and repeatedly and consistently take advantage of it. The Muslim vermin’s slaughter of the staff of Charlie Hebdo was as much a calculated reinforcement of the MSM’s fear of them as it was another expected paroxysm of feral savagery by the the cultist of the Pedophile Prophet.

Frankly, the only way to intervene in this is for people to make the MSM more afraid of us than they are the ragheads, just as the only way to force the “moderate” Muslims to apply something akin to substance to their supposed disavowal of their radicals is make them more terrified of us then they are of the jihadis.

Also, I utterly, completely, and unequivocally reject the entire concept of showing any form of #RespectForIslam or its filthy adherents beyond respecting the damage that they are capable of so as not to discount the threat each and every one of them may pose to Man.

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Do You See The Problem?

Muslim Insanity Problem
Do You See The Problem?

Despite the foolish apologetics of the Dhimmi Liberals and Progressives who side with Muslims against the Civilized World for two equally vile reasons, this is the truth. What is considered violently, dangerously, and criminally insane in the Civilized World is consider normal, right, and proper in the Muslim World.

Why Liberals and Progressives Side with Islam

  1. Muslims aren’t considered White and Liberals and Progressives believe that “Not White Must Be Right;”
  2. Muslims are considered to be Eastern and Liberals and Progressives adhere to the paradigm of “The Rest Against The West.”

Having seen the problem, we of the Civilized World must work towards a solution. Two pathways for solving the Muslim problem exist, which can be enacted in parallel. We can quarantine them so as to limit the damage they can cause to Mankind, and/or we can work against the more evil and dangerous Muslims while encouraging and fostering the good ones.

These same tactics should, out of necessity, also be used against Islam’s Liberal and Progressive enablers and supporters within the Civilized World.

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An Ethics Violation?

No Christian CrossIt’s a sick, evil thing when faith and the casual expression thereof becomes an actionable offense. Yet this is becoming more and more the case, at least when that faith and its expression are of the normative, Christian variety.

According to U.S. Bank in Walton, KY being a Christian and not hiding the light of your faith under a bushel of political correctness and silence is an Ethics Violation and cause for termination.

It does not bode well for America’s future that we, as a people, have allowed this sort of persecution of America’s religion to be considered acceptable in any way shape or form.

A former Northern Kentucky bank teller claims she was fired from her job for telling customer to “Have a blessed day.”

“I say ‘have a blessed day’ all of the time,” says Polly Neace. “I don’t think there’s any better kind of day you can have than a blessed day.”

Neace filed a lawsuit against U.S. Bank claiming she was discriminated against for her religious beliefs.

Neace clams after years of saying “Have a blessed day” to customers, she was reprimanded in March 2011.

In a Code of Ethics violation, US Bank states several customers complained when Neace said, “Have a blessed day.”


That Code of Ethics Violation warns Neace that “effective immediately you will no longer discuss the subject of faith or religion with customers and co-workers alike.”

“I was upset with the fact they were stifling me and not allowing me to act on my beliefs,” Neace says.

Neace admits she was reprimanded again a few months later.

“A customer went through the drive thru and I waited on them. She said, ‘God bless you.’ I said, ‘Thank you, God bless you too,” says Neace.

And then, after complaining about a situation at the bank, Neace claims she jokingly told a manager she might as well go back to saying, “Have a blessed day” and be fired.

The next day, Neace was fired.

In many ways this is far, far worse than A&E’s short-lived assault upon Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson. They were just kowtowing to a segment of what they thought were their audience whereas U.S. Bank has instituted a policy by which to persecute Christians.

Polly Neace - An American Martyr
Polly Neace – An American Martyr

Do not mistake me. Neace did also, according to the Ethics Violation, reprimand a bank customer for blaspheming and talk to that customer about salvation, and that seems to be solid grounds for a reprimand. However, the rest of what led to her termination is nothing but religious persecution and bigotry.

Be absolutely assured that, if Nease was a Muslim and interjected Islamic phrases into normal conversation as is their wont, things would be quite different. The bank would dare reprimand or terminate a Muslim for being a Muslim because that would violate their “Civil Rights.” Indeed, if a Muslim employee chastised a customer for blaspheming Allah, it would be the customer that the bank would declare to be in the wrong.

It’s a sad time when being a Christian becomes an ethics violation. It’s fairly worrisome for me as well because I’m not Christian and, if America’s enemies can successfully persecute the Christian majority, me and mine, mere statistical outliers, are very much at risk.

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The Auto-da-fé Continues

Never believe, even for instant, that the Inquisition ever ended or that the “faithful” have ever ceased clamoring for the auto-da-fé to be performed by heretics and apostates before their destruction. All that has changed is the “church” and “faithful” in question and nature of the heresies and apostasies to be rooted out and condemned.

Zichy Mihåly's Auto-da-fé
Zichy MihÃ¥ly’s Auto-da-fé

Long ago it was the Catholic Church protecting itself and it’s doctrine via the Inquisition. In these times it’s the Politically Correct Liberals and Progressives who carry out the Inquisition and demand the auto-da-fé to enforce societal conformity and promulgate their claims of the orthodoxy of their doctrine.

One need only watch the viciousness and pageantry of their assaults upon anyone, especially any “celebrity” or public figure who does not maintain and spout their dogma about the special state of “grace” of: queers, abortion, women’s proper place in society, and/or the specially protected minority groups in order to see this as being cold, hard fact. These Leftists do not tolerate such heresies and are both quick and strident in their calls for their victim to profess his or her faith and failing before they destroy them as utterly as they are capable of doing.

If the above isn’t enough to prove that the Politically Correct Liberals’ and Progressives’ conduct the inquisition against heretics, look at how they respond to any Black that commits apostasy and actually speaks out for America and against the failures and destructive behaviors of the “Black Community.” And, as well, look at how they encourage the “Faithful” Blacks to treat these apostates.

No! Do not mistake this for a mere political opinion and “strong and vigorous debate” upon the cultural and ethical future of America.  This is a religious matter and, given the actions of the Left, it is both a civil war and a holy war. We, the People of America must understand this and act accordingly unless we, one by one, suffer the Liberals’ and Progressives’ inquisition and be forced to commit the auto-da-fé ourselves.

The auto-da-fé continues and it is up to the American people to drive it and its perpetrators from our land.


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