Old White Men Did It!

There’s two thing that you can count on from the Obama Regime: a non-stop minstrel show in service of the next election’s Democrat candidates and an equally non-stop diatribe against “Old White Men,” as the boy and his sycophants defines Republicans.

July has been no exception.

On the shootings in Chicago, where 10 people were killed over the Independence Day holiday weekend, the White House said gun-control measures opposed by Republicans would help to stem such violence.

Of course, what Obama and his “House Cracka,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest are ignoring and hoping everyone else will as well is the simple fact that Chicago already has some the strictest and most restrictive gun control laws in the US and that those laws have not had a noticeable impact upon violence in some parts of the city.

On the other hand, Obama is not entirely and completely wrong in blaming the GOP. Given the specific demographics of both murderers and victims in Chicago, the Negro-control measures that a 150 years ago were opposed by Republicans would have help to stem such violence. Hence, Obama is only wrong in detail, not in generality. The party of “Old White Men” is to blame for this.

Is the above sarcasm? Yes, to an extent. Yet, with 50% of the “gun violence” in the US being perpetrated by 13% of the population, Blacks, it’s also accurate.

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Silence, Kuffār!

Obongo sure do love him some raghead filth.
Silence, Kuffār!

On Tuesday, January 13 2015, when questioned about both Obama’s refusal to attend the Anti-Jihad Unity March in Paris and the boy continued and unflagging support for Islam, often at the cost of American journalistic freedom, the Regime’s mouthpiece defended such actions.

The President will not now be shy about expressing a view or taking the steps that are necessary to try to advocate for the safety and security of our men and women in uniform” whenever journalists’ work may provoke jihadist attacks.

There was a genuine concern that the publication of some of those materials could put Americans abroad at risk, including American soldiers at risk.

I will say that there have been occasions where the administration will make clear our point of view on some of those assessments based on the need to protect the American people and to protect our men and women in uniform.

I wouldn’t rule out making those kinds of expressions again.

— White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest

It says a lot about the POTUS’ loyalties and general outlook when, immediately in the wake of the brutal jihadist massacre of the staff of a satirical newspaper, Charlie Hebdo, he and his regime “double down” on pressuring the American MSM to not offend the Muslims by publishing anti-jihad articles.

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