Jussie Do It!

Jussie Do It!
Jussie Do It!

Just a little follow-up on the lying sack of shit that goes by the name of Jussie Smollett – mostly because the image was to perfectly timely and too funny not to use.

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Boy Who Cried Trump

Jussie Smollett - The Boy Who Cried Trump - Just another angry fringe dweller grifting.
Jussie Smollett – The Boy Who Cried Trump

Oh yes! Smollett will likely go down in history as The Boy – or would that be boi, given that’s he’s a queer? – Who cried Trump due it being incredibly likely that he faked a “hate crime” being perpetrated upon himself by Trump Supporters.

Face it, when even CNN lambasts both Smollett’s claims of White men attacking him for being a Black and a Queer and the Democrats who jumped to issue sweeping condemnations of President Trump and all who support him, he’s done. And he should be done because he was the one committing a “hate crime” of national significance.

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Imagine A Silencer

Imagine A SilencerImagine A Silencer

Yes, imagine if we had an effective means to put a silencer on pernicious things like Hillary Clinton and the other Leftwing, anti-gun, Democrat politicians and, in Hillary’s sad case, ex-politicians with delusions of worth and relevance. It’d be great if we had a means to enforce some level of common decency in the wake of a tragedy such as the Las Vegas massacre – some way to apply a silencer to them until some appropriate time has passed for shock, prayers, and grieving before they are allowed to start profiteering off the horror.

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Yes, They’re Muslims

While any and all Americans can expect certain sorts of grifters, e.g., the Obamas, to lie and proclaim that the many and sundry Jihadis and Muslims terrorists aren’t Islamic, the rank hypocrisy and arrogant stupidity of the rank and file Liberals and Progressives is what is truly maddening.


Yes, Jihadis Are Muslims
(Click to Enlarge)

Worse, they don’t even see or hear their own hypocrisy; nor will they understand the allegory in the image above – though they will declaim me as racist anyway.

It’s a crying shame that they’re unlikely to ever be in a position to voice their views face-to-face with a jihadi. I’d pay good money to watch that and wouldn’t consider the jihadi’s response to be wrong in any way, though I might critique their technique.

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Obama Analyzes America

Liberals and Progressives are wont to gush of Obama’s analytical abilities…

Legitimately fear ISIS? Obama thinks your racistObama Analyzes America

Of course they do! Obama’s analysis of Americans is always the same and fits perfectly with the oikophobic Liberals and Progressives’ dogma. The boy doesn’t seem capable of seeing dissent as anything other than a sign of America’s “systemic racism.”

This begs the question though. Is Obama just another cynical, race-baiting grifter trading on identity politics to get his way or does the boy actually believe what he says?

It seems an important question to me. If Obama is the former, that’s one thing and a thing that can be dealt with. If, however, Obama – affluent, highly educated, and White raised – really can’t see anything except through the lens of race, that’s strong evidence to support the theory that America should not and must not ever again elect a Black to high office.

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