Crime Pays Now

Social Justice - Stealing from Whites to give to non-WhitesAs all Americans know – or bloody well should know by this point – Liberals and Progressives, the bulk of those supporting Democrat politicians with money and votes, hate history except when that history or the careful revision of it can pain Americans, especially Whites, in a bad light. Hence, it’s not too shocking that our domestic enemies have openly rejected the historical adage, “Crime doesn’t pay.”

Indeed, our domestic enemies have, instead, embraced the exact opposite of this truism. Now, if the verminous perp is of the correctly protected persuasion, crime does in fact pay. It does, at least in Richmond, CA where the Democrats have decided to pay thugs not to kill people.

Whitey better pay up unless he wants more blood in the streets
It’d Sho Be A Shame If Sometin’ Happened Up In This Fly Town

Yes, you read that right; Richmond, CA is paying violent felons to refrain from committing further violent crimes … And other Democrat ruled municipalities are looking to do the same.

The odds were good that Lonnie Holmes, 21, would be the next person to kill or be killed in this working-class suburb north of San Francisco.

Four of his cousins had died in shootings. He was a passenger in a car involved in a drive-by shooting, police said. And he was arrested for carrying a loaded gun.

But when Holmes was released from prison last year, officials in this city offered something unusual to try to keep him alive: money. They began paying Holmes as much as $1,000 a month not to commit another gun crime.

I really don’t know whether it’s better to describe this as a setup for a Black run protection racket where the cities must pay thugs not to cause harm or as a case where a young thug’s first arrest and incarceration is an unpaid internship leading to a payed position.

They even have felons like the aforementioned Holmes “mentoring” other violent, ghetto thugs and operating in a “don’t snitch” manner while utilizing taxpayer-funded vehicles and drivers.

The mentors have coaxed inebriated teenagers threatening violence into city cars, not for a ride to jail but home to sleep it off — sometimes with loaded firearms still in their waistbands. The mentors have funded trips to South Africa, London and Mexico City for rival gang members in the hope that shared experiences and time away from the city streets would ease tensions and forge new connections.

And when the elaborate efforts at engagement fail, the mentors still pay those who pledge to improve, even when, like Holmes, they are caught with a gun, or worse — suspected of murder.

The city-paid mentors operate at a distance from police. To maintain the trust of the young men they’re guiding, mentors do not inform police of what they know about crimes committed. At least twice, that may have allowed suspected killers in the stipend program to evade responsibility for homicides.

Of course, this is such a perfect and perfectly Liberal plan that Democrats in Washington DC, Miami, Toledo, Baltimore and more than a dozen cities with significant ghetto and/or barrio populations are eager to replicate Richmond’s plan.

So it looks like crime does pay…if you’re in the right place and are the right sort of criminal.


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When Obama Speaks

Obama is a creature of words far more than deeds. He is an instigator, not a doer. Hence, it is noteworthy when either he chooses to speak or to remain silent as either are very telling.

Obama Speach & Silence
When Obama Is Silent & When He Speaks

With every word he utters and with every word he chooses not to, Obama paints America tells a story of the content of his character and where exactly his loyalties are centered.

Sadly, despite the claims of the Liberals and Progressives, Obama will likely not suffer any noticeably consequences for either his speech or his silence. The idea of theirs that one is never free from the consequences of one’s speech is not applied to one’s like Obama since he’s a Black and Blacks must never suffer such consequences.

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Dat Ain’t Rape!

Lynne Albuquerque, who is White and a Long Island school teacher at Alverta B. Gray Schultz Middle School in Hempstead, NY, was threatened with a particularly severe variety of sexual assault by a Black student identified solely as “N.L..” The school’s Assistant Superintendent, Rodney Gilmore, another Black male, responded by filing disciplinary charges against her and moving to terminate her employment.

When I get done ramming you, I’m gonna bag your daughter, then ram the bitch through the whole gang!

— Ghetto Buck, N.L.

Gilmore claims, though in more “well-spoken” and “nuanced” words, that she was asking for it.

Blacks don't consider it rape if the victim is a White woman. To them, that's just reparations owed them
Dat Ain’t Rape! It’s Reparations!

What can only in these days be classed as unsurprisingly, the young ghetto buck, N.L. was never reported to the police and his three day suspension was almost immediately reversed because the elder ghetto buck, Rodney Gilmore decided that Ms. Albuquerque instigated the confrontation, i.e., she was asking for it either through her deportment or through her temerity as a White woman in confronting and possibly disciplining a Black male.

Frankly, I don’t know what Ms. Albuquerque was and is thinking. There was never any significant amount of hope that a Black-run school district was ever going to side with a White woman against a Black male, especially in the case of sexual assault, which when perpetrated by Black males upon White women isn’t considered by the “Black Community” to be wrong or criminal.

Funny how this never made the national news isn’t it? All it would take was a small Confederate Flag left anonymously on a Black teacher’s desk to cause the Lamestream Media’s headlines to explode. Yet, the threat of gang raping a White woman and her daughter by Blacks is not newsworthy, nor is her suspension and termination under the orders of a Black male. But then, that is the state of times and the mindset of America’s domestic enemies.

Truth be told, however, I’m not totally sympathetic to Ms. Albuquerque. Much like the Liberal aid workers who went to the Muslim World only to end up captured, brutalized, and beheaded, Ms. Albuquerque in choosing to teach Blacks in a Black-run school district put herself directly in harm’s way. Worse, again like Liberal aid workers who went to the Muslim World, she did so in a fashion that cut her off from all reasonable sources or support, succor, and recourse.

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The Ferguson Effect

After a long decline, crime – especially violent crime – is again rising across America with the greatest spikes unsurprisingly being in what the more politically correct term the “urban zones.” This is an issue with numerous causes but one of the prime direct causes and a cause that is connected to- or enabling of other causes is the “Ferguson Effect.”

Black Protests - #BlackLivesMatter
Kill Cops…Because #BlackLivesMatter

The heads of both the FBI and the DEA agree that the “Ferguson Effect” – that of anti-police, pro-criminal protesters taunting the police and immediately trying to video them for later persecution – is beginning to have Cass Sunstein’s “Chilling Effect” upon police officers’ willingness to perform the duties to their fullest extent. Add to that the sudden trend of the Blacks assassinating or attempting to assassinate random law enforcement personal as part of their #BlackLivesMatter “movement” and it’s not too far off the mark or difficult to conclude that the police are under siege. Add to that the fact that every time an incident occur between law enforcement and some ghetto thug the Obama Regime send in its “civil rights” stormtroopers to prosecute lawfare against the police and the municipalities that employ them them, and it’s impossible to conclude that these besieged police aren’t cutoff with no support in sight.

Police anxiety in the era of ever-present cellphone cameras and viral videos partly explains why violent crime has risen in several large U.S. cities this year, FBI Director James Comey said Friday.

They told me, ‘We feel like we’re under siege and we don’t feel much like getting out of our cars,’

— FBI Director James Comey


I think there’s something to” the so-called “Ferguson effect.”

I rely on the chiefs and the sheriffs who are saying that they have seen or heard behavioral changes among the men and women of their forces. The manifestation of it may be a reluctance to engage with suspects.

— Acting DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg

While I generally agree with Comey’s and Rosenberg’s conclusions about the Ferguson Effect’s impact on police morale and willingness to engage with suspects, especially when those suspects are Blacks, I think that both men have bowed to political correctness and the desire to be punished by Obama when crafting their statements.

Firstly – the trend of photographing and videoing police officers in the course of the duties, and releasing their personal information when possible, was started by the cyberterrorist group, Anonymous in a direct attempt to have the officers and their families murdered. Nor has the behavior and motivation changed greatly.

Secondly – there’s been sharp uptick in the level of permissiveness displayed by many when it comes to violence against police officers as compared to the past, even the recent past. This can be and is exemplified by Obama’s defense of Black Lives Matter movement, which has stoked the fires of Black rage against the police and caused the murder, attempted murder, and assault of police officers across America.

Thirdly, though tied up with and related to the second point – That permissiveness towards violence against police officers is rooted in an ethnoguiltism-based permissiveness towards Black criminality, Black rage, and Black victimology. Not only does this pandering enable the violence inherent to- and endemic in Black protests, it excuses, tacitly endorses, and enables that very same increase in violent crime that Comey and Rosenberg lament.

As society seems to be dead set upon trending towards both criminalizing the police and fostering Black crime, if we don’t end White Rule in the ghettos and/or take drastic steps to mitigate Black crime, I believe that the current increase in violent crime, still at this point a minor and localized trend, is going to drastically expand and worsen…and I doubt, not entirely unhappily, that America at large is ready to do either.

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An Unsafe Opinion

Bryan StascavageLast month Bryan Stascavage, a 30-year-old Wesleyan University (WSA) economics major and decorated veteran who served two tours as an military intelligence analyst for the US Army in Iraq penned an unsafe opinion about the Black Live Matter (#BlackLivesMatter) movement in an op-ed for his the school newspaper, The Wesleyan Argus. The previous winner of WSA’s Chadbourne Prize was shocked by the result.

His op-ed, “Why Black Lives Matter Isn’t What You Think,” wasn’t a glowing endorsement of the Blacks’ movement and, therefor, was met with a shitstorm of hate and vitriol from the Blacks and the Liberals and Progressives who pander to- and enable them.

That was, in itself, completely to be expected and it’s hard to generate any true sympathy for Mr. Stascavage who should have known what he was buying for himself by not adhering to the Left’s and their minority sharecroppers’ orthodox dogma of total submission to their doctrine.

No. What is horrific is a subset of these vermin’s response, not against Mr. Stascavage directly, but against the The Wesleyan Argus which published his opinion piece and, thereby, exposed the student body to it. The Liberals, Progressives, and their minority sharecroppers are demanding that Wesleyan University defund the Argus because of it.

A petition demanding the Wesleyan Argus lose funding unless it meets certain demands has signatures from at least 172 students, staff and recent alumni. Signatories threatened to boycott the paper because they said it fails to “provide a safe space for the voices of students of color and we are doubtful that it will in the future.”

They also demand that commitment be made by the Argus to create work study/course credit positions; a monthly report on allocation of funds and leadership structure; a required once-per-semester Social Justice/Diversity training for all student publications; active recruitment and advertisement; and open space on the front page in the publication dedicated to marginalized groups/voices, specifying that if no submissions are received, The Argus will print a section labeled “for your voice.”

This is what now passes for students in these Affirmative Action times and in the wake of what the “Civil Rights” movement has degenerated into. They demand that White voices be silenced in favor of “Social Justice” and providing Liberal, Progressive, and Minority students total freedom from any opinion or subject matter that might may them uncomfortable in some way, shape, or form by not rigorously adhering to their sensitivities.

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