Kermit Gives Up Bacon

Times change and the chaotic winds of political correctness blow oddly, especially in children television. Such was certainly the case in Sesame Street.

What with the iconic Cookie Monster being put in Cookie Rehab, it was only a matter of time before they had Kermit the Frog give up bacon – much to Miss Piggy’s disgruntlement I’m sure. 😉

Kermit Watching Porn
Oh Yeah…Take It, You Terribilis Slut!

This has, of course, led to some awkward behind the scenes moments and the banning of the Nature Channel, Animal Planet, and the National Geographic Channel from the set. Although it’s rumored that the producers are working with Peewee Herman to develop a segment called “It’s OK To Touch Yourself”, so the ban may be lifted soon.


NOTE: For the vast percentage of readers who didn’t get the pun in the image’s caption, the frogs displayed appear to be Phyllobates terribilis aka Golden Poison Dart Frogs from Columbia.

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Bacon Rules

As it was fried so shall it be. The rules of bacon must be obeyed.

The rules of bacon
Bacon Rules

And yes, Ladies; rule 12 is incontrovertible. Properly used bacon will get you laid, especially during the Holidays.

Rule 12: Bacon Will Get You Laid

I’m really not sure exactly when or why bacon grew from being just tasty food into a pervasive meme or trope, but I’m enjoying every delicious, smoky minute of it. 😛

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Baconalia Huzzah!

With all due deference to Bacchus, it’s time to put the bacchanalia behind us as a rite of bygone days. It is time to rejoice and revel in porky abandon. Let the Baconalia begin!

Baconalia! Beer and Bacon, Together At Last! Huzzah!

Enjoy the porkalicious goodness of this bacon mug with a rich, dark beer. Whether it be a smoked beer or malty beer is up to you, the celebrant. and as a break between libations you can fill it with beer cheese soup!

But no celebration is complete with just food and drink. Such would be nothing but a meal, albeit one of divine splendor. To fully celebrate the baconalia requires women.

Mmmmmm…Hickory Smoked Hotness 😛

And there you have the three “B’s” of the divine feast of the baconalia – Beer, Babes, and Bacon! Huzzah!

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No Nativity In DC!

Every year around the Christmas season there’s an argument within the Beltway about what sort of public observance of the holiday will be done. This year things were a bit more extreme and odder than usual though.

No Nativity Scene in Washington This Year!

The United States Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the United States Capitol this Christmas season. This isn’t for any religious reason. They simply have not been able to Find Three Wise Men in the Nation’s Capitol.  A search for a Virgin continues. There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable. 😉

Congress and the White House, always ever eager to circumvent the rulings of the SCOTUS, has decided to include the Nativity anyway, just not as a public display.

Bacon Nativity Scene

Bacon Nativity – So Wrong But So Porkalicious

That’s right; they’ve figured out a way of combining their two great loves: feeding from the public trough and an endless supply of pork with their holiday celebrations.

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